Head of department - doctor of science, DSc, Associate Professor Jabbarov Zafarjan Abdukarimovich
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
71 227-15-44
The study of the soils of Uzbekistan with a clear plan and purpose is closely related to the creation of the National University of Uzbekistan (formerly Turkestan, Central Asian, Tashkent State). Indeed, the founding of the Research Institute of Geobotany and Soil Science at the University in 1920 underlies the above. In 1920-1932, the founder of the institute was Professor N.A. Dimo, Professor M.A. Orlov, research scientists N.B. Bogdanovich, M.A. Pankov D.M. With the participation of Klavdienko and others, the irrigated lands of such countries as Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan were perfectly studied and soil maps were compiled for various purposes. An exhaustive description of the main soil types scattered in these regions was given. All these maps and all the scientific data on soils, of course, were the basis for creating a well-planned system of farming in the development of agriculture at that time.
The creation of soil science in the system of the geological and geographical faculty of the university in 1935 indicates that the study of soils in Uzbekistan has turned into a huge network of sciences of national importance. The Department of Soil Science was transferred to the Faculty of Biology in 1949, in the same year the department "Agronomy" was created at this faculty, and since then the faculty has been called the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science. During this time, the teaching staff of the Department of Soil Science carried out research work worthy of attention. Including M.A. Orlov was considered the founder of the Department of Soil Science, all his scientific activities were aimed at studying the genesis and properties of anthropogenic (oasis) soils, which were formed under the influence of irrigation and agriculture. Academician S.N. Rizhov, later associate professor XA Abdullaev, in his research focused on assessing the cultivation of irrigated lands, the importance of humus in increasing productivity, and the problems of its management.
During the 1960-1970s. employees of the department - B.D.Mikhailov, K.Gafurov, L.Tursunov, V.Saifutdinova, L.Salkova, N.Kavkhoyans and other graduate students conducted research work on the improved study of soils in the middle and lower reaches of the Zarafshan Valley, including the Kattakurgan, Khatyrchinskaya, Zirobulakskaya, Karnabskaya deserts, Bukhara and Karakul oases. During this period, soil, soil-erosion, soil-reclamation maps of hundreds of farms (1: 10000, 1: 25000) were compiled and submitted for practical use. Based on the data collected at that time, S. Gafurov, L. Tursunov, N. Yakubov, A. Niyazov, A. Abdiev defended their candidate dissertations. Another notable study of this period was carried out by the associate professor of the department L.V. Valiev, Under the leadership of the Tursunovs, scientific work was carried out to study the rainfed lands of the Chirakchi district of the Kashkadarya region.
Since 1980, under the guidance of Associate Professor H.H. Abdullaev studied the soils of the Chatkal mountain formations using the example of the Chatkal biosphere reserve, under the guidance of Associate Professor L. Tursunov, the soils of the mountain formations of Turkestan were studied using the example of the Zaamin "People's Park" and the Zaamin reserve, and, finally, the soils of the mountain formations of Turkestan. During the period of research, the law of soil formation and the properties of all mountain soil types were comprehensively studied, maps of soil erosion were compiled, and A. Nazarov, M. Fakhrutdinova and S. Yusupov and H. Kungirov defended their Ph.D. theses.
It is known that the role of human agricultural activity in the formation of soil, the study of its subsequent genesis, evolution and properties is significant. The staff of the department also turned their attention to the study of this issue. In particular, associate professor of the department H. Abdullaev, under the guidance of teacher T. Abdrakhmanov, studied the structure and properties of gray-brown soils in every possible way, defended his Ph.D. thesis on the basis of data obtained over many years. In particular, V.Yu. Sayfutdinov under the leadership of Academician S.N. Ryzhova for many years studied the possibility of restoring the initial state (evolution) of these soils used by man on the example of rainfed soils under the influence of natural factors, and defended her thesis. For many years, D. Kamilova has been studying changes in soil properties in various agricultural backgrounds and, on the basis of the collected data, she defended her thesis.
From 1961 to 1967, the Department of Agrochemistry was headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N.P. Malinkin. The invaluable contribution of N.P. Malinkin in the creation of a cotton fertilization system. During their time at the university, these two great scientists trained many scholars and founded their own schools.
From 1968 to 1995, the meeting was headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, member of the International Academy of Informatics of the Academy of Sciences of New York, agricultural worker working in Uzbekistan, member of the International Society of Soil Scientists and the Fertilizer Center around the world, Dzhurakul Sattorovich Sattarov.
In 1995-1996, the department was headed by a student of Zh. Sattarov B.S. Musaev. Despite his young age, Musaev continued to work on laboratory and field experiments at the department. He wrote many textbooks and a textbook "Agrochemistry".
Since 1996, the head of the department was Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, famous soil scientist, Professor S. Abdullaev. He has done more research on land reclamation and has had good results. Many textbooks, teaching aids and monographs have been published. On December 1, 2008 , the Departments of Soil Science and Agrochemistry were merged and renamed into Soil Science.
Currently, 1 academician of the ANUz, 5 doctors of sciences and 9 candidates of sciences and doctors of philosophy (PhD) are working in the field of soil science.
To this day, the Department of Soil Science of the National University of Uzbekistan has been headed by the following scientists:
- 1935-1962 - Prof. M. A. Orlov
- 1962-1968 - Academician S.N. Ryzhov.
- 1968-1981 - Assoc. Kh.A. Abdullaev.
- 1981-1986 - Assoc. V.U.Saifuddinova.
- 1986-2008 - prof. L.Tursunov
- 2008-2011 - Associate Professor M. Fakhrutdinova
- 2011-2014 - Associate Professor T. Abdrakhmanov
- 2014-2015 - Associate Professor Z. Khaidmukhamedova
- 2015-2015 - Assoc. S.Sidiқov
- Since 2020, the head of the department is Professor Z. Jabbarov.
Professors and teachers of soil science and agrochemistry conduct their classes at a high level with the effective use of ICT and innovative technologies.
Today the staff of the department conducts research on the basis of several state grants from the Republican Center for Science and Technology. Scientific research of the department for almost 90 years is reflected in dozens of monographs and textbooks, hundreds of scientific, popular science articles and brochures.
The Department of Soil Science, organized at the National University of Uzbekistan, has been preparing highly qualified specialists not only for Uzbekistan, but also for Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, as well as for the Russian Federation, China, Vietnam, Korea, Egypt, Iraq, Cuba for over 70 years.
At present, soil science and its following directions are being formed in Uzbekistan. These include: geography, evolution and cartography, soil micromorphology and mineralogy, soil chemistry, agrophysics and soil technology, soil grading, soil reclamation, soil agrochemistry, soil erosion, soil biology and microbiology, soil ecology and other similar areas. It is no exaggeration to say that the founders of these areas and the prominent scientists, doctors of sciences, professors and academicians who develop them are precisely the former students of the Department of Soil Science named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
For almost 90 years of activity, the department has trained several hundred specialists in soil science and agrochemistry, and today they are actively working in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in all regions of the country, in all sectors of the economy. They work in different countries of Central Asia and the CIS, even in non-CIS countries. Vladimir and Irina Lukina are researchers at the University of California, USA. O. Kazak - Researcher, New York University, prof. M.A. Mazirov is the Head of the Department of Soil Science of the Russian Agrarian University, Professor S.M. Elyubaev, associate professors O. Tuyakov and U.B. Bekturaev heads the departments of the Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Former graduates of this department work in Uzbekistan with 4 district khakims, 2 deputies of the Oliy Majlis and several heads of farms in their profile.
In addition to training at the Department of Soil Science, a high level of research work is carried out. Studied scientific problems in cooperation with many countries. In particular, Moscow State University, Dokuchaev Institute of Soil Science, Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev, Sukhum Institute of Subtropical Plants, Azerbaijan University, Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of Russia, University of Warsaw (Poland), University of Bonn. (Germany), Alexander (Germany) The staff of the department is in close contact with the field of science. Professors, graduate students and students often traveled to each other's universities for research trips and internships, and even now such connections have not disappeared.
Since its inception, the Department of Soil Science has focused on studying the genesis, geography, evolution and properties of soil types on the territory of Uzbekistan, developing the foundations of their protection, and has also created its own scientific schools in several countries.
Academician S. N. Ryzhov deeply studied and analyzed the agrophysical, especially water-physical properties of the main soils of Uzbekistan and created a scientific school in this area.
Under the guidance of Associate Professor V.U. Saifutdinov, extensive research has been carried out in the field of studying the fertility of arid lands.
Under the guidance of Professor L. Tursunov in the field of genesis, evolution, geography and increasing the fertility of the main soils of Uzbekistan was comprehensively studied on the example of soils of all regions of the republic. As a result of these studies, their genesis, evolution and fertility were assessed, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the republic.
Since 1970, under the leadership of Academician S. N. Ryzhov, Associate Professor L. Tursunov began a comprehensive study of the soils of the lower reaches of the Amudarya-Khorezm oasis. This research was led by L. Tursunov from 1980 to 2011. As a result of these studies, not only the genesis, evolution, morphology and other properties of the soils of the Khorezm oasis were studied, but also the lower reaches of the Amu Darya - all the irrigated lands and soil cover of Karakalpakstan.
Based on this research L. Tursunov, S. Abdullaev wrote doctoral dissertations, A. Ablyazov, B. Faizullaev, I. Ochilov, I. Siddikov, K. Nora, Ali Askar Fathi, Naman Hasan Hammadi, Khakkulov F., Si Chun, Sh. Isaacov defended their dissertations. Monographs of L. Tursunov "Soil conditions of irrigated lands in the Western part of Uzbekistan" (1981), L. Tursunov, S. Abdullaev "Soil-physical characteristics of the lower reaches of the Amudari" (1987) were written on the basis of long-term data.
Professor L. Tursunov, continuing the ideas of academician S.N. Rizhova, based on a thorough study of the water-physical properties of irrigated lands, managed to make changes in the classification and hydromodular zoning of their permeability, and without exaggeration, we can say that he created a scientific school of soil physics. In the field of studying mountain soils, research was carried out by associate professors of the department M. Fakhrutdinova, D. Kamilova, T. Turaev, Sh. Iskhakova.
The following important results have been achieved as a result of the work of the aforementioned scientists:
1. The theory of the formation of a dense arable layer on irrigated lands under the influence of anthropogenic factors has been developed and practical measures to combat it have been substantiated.
2. The optimal lower limit of soil moisture has been established for the main agricultural crops grown on rainfed and irrigated lands.
3. Hydro-modular zoning of irrigated lands was carried out, reflecting the needs of agricultural crops in water during the growing season.
4. It is possible to apply in practice soil-protecting and resource-saving technologies that can improve the physical properties of irrigated lands.
Zh. Sattarov's activity is connected with the solution of a number of scientific problems in science. According to him, the timing of the washing of saline soils with various salts in the country is scientifically substantiated. These guidelines have been successfully applied in production so far.
The creation of a technology for applying fertilizers to saline soils is also associated with the name of J. Sattarov. His greatest contribution to the development of agricultural sciences is the creation of a new branch of agrochemical science. The effective use of the fertilization system of varieties, developed by J. Sattarov, is a huge contribution to solving the problem of increasing yields and improving the quality of cotton by feeding it in accordance with domestic demand. Proof of this is the special course "Sortagrochemistry" for masters of the Department of Soil Science.
Representatives of this school are associate professor S. Sidikov, students of the scientist and teachers S. Makhammadiev, Yu. Kasimov. All achievements in this area have been achieved on the experimental field located in the Botanical Garden of the Department of Agrochemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan.
The department carries out significant research work to study soil pollution, and a special scientific school has been created in this direction. Professor H.H. Tursunov, L.A. Gafurova, associate professor T.A. Abdrakhmanov, Z. Jabbarova widely study soil pollution under the influence of chemical, technogenic, cosmogenic and anthropogenic factors, their types, sources and methods of elimination. In this area, the following results have been achieved:
1. The mineralogical composition of the main soils of Uzbekistan has been studied in connection with the petrographic composition of their rocks and Quaternary deposits.
2. The analysis of the composition of light and heavy minerals of different sizes, as well as primary and secondary minerals of a fine crystalline or amorphous state, the patterns of recrystallization and formation
3. Data were collected on the sources of soil contamination.
4. The level of soil pollution was determined under the influence of industrial and household waste, vehicles, oil and oil products, as well as applied mineral and organic fertilizers.
5. When determining the rate, the degree of soil pollution, the possibilities of using modern GIS technologies were shown.
In recent years, the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry has carried out research work on several projects within the framework of state scientific and technical programs:
a) Within the framework of applied projects:
KA-7-011 + KA-7-010 + KA-7-001 "Development of degraded pastures, technologies for increasing productivity, increasing efficiency and the institutional framework for pasture management" (supervisor: GM Nabieva);
b) KA-7-011 + KA-7-010 + KA-7-001 "Agrobiological methods for increasing soil fertility in the Bukhara region, determining the level of degradation processes based on GIS technology" (supervisor prof. Gafurova L.A.)
A-7-66. "Increasing the fertility of degraded soils through the use of TVO by the method of vermicultivation of wild populations of local species of compost worms" (scientific supervisor Akhmedov Sh.M.)
g) A-7-47 "Methods for changing the soil of the Jizzakh desert and increasing its yield in the conditions of rapidly developing agriculture." (Scientific adviser prof. Abdullaev S.)
d) A-7-45 "Development of an alternative method of plant nutrition based on the study of concentration, composition, osmotic pressure, equilibrium of the soil solution in irrigated soils" (supervisor Associate Professor Sidikov S.V.)
In practical application:
1. KA-7-011 + KA-7-010 + KA-7-001 "Development of degraded pastures, technologies for increasing productivity, increasing efficiency and institutional framework for pasture management" Monitoring of key nutrients and vegetation cover of degraded soils, clean-up carried out seeds of pasture plants. The act on the introduction of the farm "Muhiddin bobo" in the Nurata district of the Navoi region.
2. KA-7-011 + KA-7-010 + KA-7-001. Agrobiological methods for increasing the fertility of irrigated soils in the Bukhara region, determining the level of degradation processes based on GIS technology "(supervisor prof. Gafurova LA) Increasing the fertility of degraded soils by agrobiological methods.
3. A-7-66. Increasing the fertility of degraded soils utilization of solid waste method of vermicultivation of a wild population of local species of compost earthworms (scientific supervisor Sh.M. Akhmedov.) Development of practical aspects of the rational use of bioresources of solid earthworms.
4. А-7-47 "Methods of changing the soil of the Jizzakh desert and increasing its productivity in the conditions of rapidly developing agriculture."
5. А-7-45 "Development of an alternative method of plant nutrition based on studying the concentration, composition, osmotic pressure, equilibrium of the soil solution in irrigated soils."
The following projects have been implemented within the framework of foreign grants:
The Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, throughout its scientific and pedagogical activities, is not only the organizer of complex research, but also trains highly qualified personnel in all areas of soil science and laid the foundation for the full development of soil science.
Adhering to its historical traditions, the department is a qualified teacher for higher and secondary specialized education in all areas of agriculture in the country, a highly qualified soil scientist for state research institutes.
Tashkent city, Almazar district, student city, Universitetskaya street 4, 100174. Building of the Faculty of Biology, 4th floor, tel: +998909627824, e-mail:
- In a separate form for the disciplines taught at the department, bachelor's and master's degrees.
n | Science name | Brief information about the subject |
Mandatory subjects | ||
1 | Introduction to the specialty | An introduction to the specialty - to awaken their interest in keeping soil clean and fertile by teaching the origin of soil and its properties, expanding their understanding of the importance of soil in the biosphere and agriculture, providing information about theoretical scientists and agrochemists about the relationship between soil-plant-fertilizer and shaping theoretical knowledge and outlook of students in the specialty. |
2 | Botany, physiology and biochemistry of plants | Botany, Physiology and biochemistry of plants - cellular structure of plants, structure of tissues, morphology of vegetative and generative organs, anatomical structure, structure of tubular and higher plants, family, category, species; their distribution in nature and the science of the significance of the flora in nature. |
3 | Biology and ecology of soils | Soil biology and ecology - the study of living organisms that live in the soil environment or whose life is to some extent related to the soil, the role of the soil cover in the ecosystem, the influence of human activities, the study, management, prediction of the importance of soil in the processes occurring in the biosphere, maintenance sanitation, elimination of pollution problems, |
4 | General agriculture and crop production | General agriculture and crop production - history of the development of agriculture and plants, scientific foundations, weeds and their control, crop rotation, tillage, seeds and sowing, farming systems and environmental problems, cultivated plants and their origins, classification of cultivated plants, botanical and modern knowledge biological properties, varieties, types, methods of cultivation and agricultural technology. |
5 | Soil science | Soil science - the scientific foundations of soil science, the history of the development of soil science, the emergence, structure, composition and properties of the soil cover, the laws of geographical distribution, its functions and significance in nature, fertility, enrichment of the soil cover in field, laboratory and observational conditions, the study of physical properties. |
6 | Soil physics | Soil physics is intended to study the physical properties of soil types and the general physical, water-physical and physical-mechanical properties of soils, the main problems associated with the concentration of soil water and thermal regime. |
7 | Plant nutrition and fertilization | The interaction between plant nutrition and fertilizers - plant-soil-fertilizer consists in teaching the properties of fertilizers and their types, methods of obtaining, the composition of plants, nutrition, soil associated with plant nutrition and the use of fertilizers, basic nutrients and their role in plant life, classification fertilizers, fertilizers. |
8 | Soil research methods | Soil research methods - calculate the results of laboratory, vegetation, lysimetric, field and production experiments by mathematical methods, be able to correctly analyze the chemical composition of soils and plants based on the results of experiments, have information about the gross and water-soluble forms of nutrients and the amount of humus in the soil, be able to analyze the amount and the nature of the salts in the soil. |
9 | Soil geography | The purpose of teaching natural sciences is to teach students the laws and scientific foundations of the geographical distribution of soils based on foreign experience; a description of the soil cover of Uzbekistan and the world; formation of soils of different soil and climatic regions, land resources of Uzbekistan and the world, their productive use, knowledge, skills and qualifications for soil protection. |
10 | Soil chemical composition | The purpose of teaching natural sciences is to teach the chemical properties of different types of soils, chemical composition, soil solution, absorption capacity, types, nutrients and their migration, organic matter, the state of humus in soils, soil chemistry using modern basic technologies. To give them knowledge, skills and qualifications in accordance with the direction of education in the scientific and theoretical foundations of soil chemistry. |
11 | Basics of soil and land cadastre appraisal | The goal of teaching natural science is to acquaint the soil with natural fertilizing, fertility, the main means of soil production, theoretical and practical problems of classification, as well as the role of soil science in the development and formation of high-quality grounding. |
12 | Department of Hydrology and Soil Science | The purpose of teaching natural sciences is to educate students in land reclamation and soil geology, its purpose, functions, increasing soil fertility, as well as improving properties that negatively affect the growth and development of cultivated plants; coordination of water, air, nutrient regimes of the soil, erosion control, desalination of saline soils, processing of marshy, sandy, stony lands. |
13 | Soil and environmental pollution | The goal of teaching natural sciences is to develop knowledge, skills and competencies on soil pollution with various industrial wastes, the effect of soil on soil properties, problems that have arisen and the provision of modern knowledge about their solutions. |
14 | Degradation of soil and landscape | The goal of teaching science is to provide students with knowledge, skills and competencies about types of soil degradation, influencing factors, landscape restoration and conservation, ways to prevent and reduce degradation, soil and land assessment, legal framework of agricultural land and conservation. |
15 | GIS technology in soil science | The purpose of teaching science is to enable students to use geographic information systems in soil science and to build knowledge, skills and qualifications for the use of GIS. |
Subject of choice | ||
16 | Agrochemical soil mapping | The goal of science teaching is to provide students with a scientific basis for soil mapping; development history; the study of a certain area of the earth's crust, the formation of a map based on the laws of soil dispersion, the formation of an agrochemical cartogram by the amount of mobile nutrients. |
17 | Resource-saving technologies in soil science | The purpose of teaching natural sciences is to provide students with education on topical issues such as a close acquaintance with increasing soil productivity using resource-saving technologies in our Republic through the subject "Resource-saving technologies in soil science". |
18 | Agrochemical characteristics of soils in Uzbekistan | The purpose of teaching the subject is to familiarize students with the types of soils in Uzbekistan, their fertility, properties, humus and nutrients, as well as measures to improve soil fertility. |
19 | Modern methods and equipment in agrochemistry and agricultural soil science | Provides knowledge about the necessary and necessary equipment and modern methods of agrochemical analysis. |
20 | History and methodology of agrochemistry | It is intended to provide modern knowledge on the history of agrochemistry and the methodology of its study. |
21 | Agricultural biotechnology | The aim of teaching this subject is to teach students the importance of biotechnology in improving soil fertility through the subject "Agricultural Biotechnology". |
22 | Organic part of the soil | This science is designed to give modern knowledge about the state of the organic part of the soil and the ways of their growth. |
23 | Computer technologies in agrochemistry and agricultural soil science | The modern requirement is the computerization of all areas. That is, digitization gives knowledge about this science. |
24 | Soil mapping | The purpose of teaching science is the scientific foundations of soil mapping for students; the history of development; study the known area of the earth's crust, draw up maps based on the laws of soil distribution, give modern teachings on the creation of agrochemical maps of the amount of mobile nutrients. |
25 | Mountain soils | The purpose of teaching natural science is to teach students what mountain soils, mountain soils of Uzbekistan are, their distribution, morphological structure, properties and characteristics, as well as their protection. |
26 | Erosion and soil protection | The goal of teaching natural sciences is to provide students with the opportunity to apply knowledge about soil erosion, the scientific foundations of erosion, the history of the development of science, the origin of soil erosion, the influence, composition and properties of the erosion process on soil morphology, the laws of geographical distribution, the effect of erosion processes on soil fertility, combating erosion. |
27 | Biological activity of the soil | The goal of teaching natural sciences is to provide students with the opportunity to study modern methods of biological activity, theoretical foundations and ecological and biodiagnostic state of soils, microorganisms, the importance of enzymes and their ability to apply them in practice. |
28 | Fundamentals of land management and land use | The updated curriculum, based on foreign experience, accurately reflects the goals and objectives of the course "Fundamentals of Land Cadastre and Soil Assessment", bachelor's experience, skills and imagination in science, knowledge of requirements and their effective use. It is noteworthy that the curriculum focuses on the use of modern methods and technologies in the study of urgent problems facing science and the search for positive solutions. Scientific disciplines are selected correctly based on foreign literature. |
29 | Fertilization of crops | It provides up-to-date knowledge about the methods, techniques and timing of fertilizing crops. |
30 | Mathematical soil modeling | Soil science provides modern knowledge on modeling and processing of the obtained data and conducting model experiments. |
31 | Smart farming system and soil properties | Provides knowledge about intelligent farming practices and their properties. |
Master's specialties | ||
70530701 - Soil Science (by type of research) | ||
32 | Innovative technologies in soil science | He studies innovative technologies in soil science, the innovation process, classification, factors and functions of the innovation process, the priorities of innovation in this area. |
33 | Soil reclamation | Studies soil degradation, pollution, changes in soil properties and regimes, appropriate remediation measures, scientific solutions, agrobiological methods. |
34 | Modern problems and concepts of soil science | Soil properties and their distribution by regions, the laws of horizontal and vertical zoning, general agrochemical, agrophysical and ameliorative properties and procedures of soils, a decrease in soil fertility due to pollution, salinization and re-salinization of soils, water and wind erosion and control measures. analyze economic productivity. |
70530702 - Experimental agrochemistry | ||
35 | Modern problems and concepts of agrochemistry | Modern problems of agricultural chemistry; methods of increasing soil fertility and plant productivity; the system of application of fertilizers in agrochemistry, acquaintance with urgent and important tasks to increase its effect and paying attention to them and studying methods for solving these problems. |
36 | Varieties, soil and fertilizers | It examines methods for studying fertilization depending on varieties, which are one of the ways to increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers, that is, to adapt the fertilizer application system to varieties, characteristics of varieties, and the needs of varieties in nutrients. |
37 | Modern technology for the preparation of non-standard fertilizers | Non-traditional fertilizers, the technology of their preparation, methods and terms of application, their importance in increasing soil fertility, improving the quality of the crop, as well as learning how to apply them in practice. |
- Researchers and scientific questions
№ | Researchers from teachers full name | Academic degree, title | Thesis topic |
1 | Jabbarov Zafarjon Abdukarimovich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor | Chemical pollution of soils and their reclamation |
2 | Fakhrutdinova Mashkura Fazliddinovna | Candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor | Soils of the northern part of the mountain ranges of Turkestan (on the example of the soils of the "People's Park" district of Zaamin) |
3 | Jalilova Gulnora Tulkunovna | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Acting Professor | Geoinformation analysis of erosion processes in the middle and lower mountains of Uzbekistan (on the example of Chatkal and Turkestan) |
4 | Makhkamova Dilafruz Yuldashevna | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Philosophical Sciences | Gypsum-bearing soils of the Jizzakh steppe and their biological activity. |
5 | Makhammadiev Samad Kilicevic | PhD in Agricultural Sciences | The role of the variety and fertilizers in improving the quality of winter wheat grain. |
6 | Kenzhaev Yunus Chintoshevich | Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor | Cultivation of green manure crops, their impact on soil fertility and cotton yield (on the example of the Samarkand region). |
7 | Abdushukurova Zamira Zainitdinovna | candidate of agricultural sciences | "Agrophysical properties and soil salinity of irrigated pastures" (on the example of the northwestern part of the Jizzakh desert). |
8 | Zakirova Salomat Kasimbaevna | PhD in Agricultural Sciences | Changes in the lower reaches of the Kashkadarya under the influence of anthropogenic factors. |
9 | Iskogova Shoira Mirsodigovna | Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor | "The material composition of the main soils of the lower reaches of the Amu Darya and the influence of irrigation and desertification processes on them |
10 | Sidiқov Saidjon | Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor | The composition and amount of humus in irrigated soils depends on the agrotechnical background and the variety of plant residues. |
11 | Ergasheva Olimakhon Halijonovna | PhD in Biological Sciences | The significance of the pedofauna of the North Turkestan ridge and biodiagnostics of eroded soils. |
12 | Nabiyeva Gulchekhra Miregashevna | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor | Improvement of degraded pasture soils and technologies to increase their fertility. |
13 | Kasimov Umedillo Salimovich | - | Methods for increasing the efficiency of mineral fertilizers (on the example of cotton from typical irrigated gray soils). |
14 | Begimova Dildora Komiljonovna | - | Changes in the biochemical properties of soils in industrial areas and their improvement. |
- Information about domestic and foreign partners
The Department of Soil Science has established a high level of cooperation with local and foreign partners, including the Republican Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, State Unitary Enterprise "TUPROXIFATTAKHLIL", Fergana State University, Termez State University, Andijan State University, Gulistan State University, Karshi State University, Bukhara State University , Urgench State University, Samarkand State University, Karakalpak State University, Agrarian State University, JV IFODA AGRO KIMYO HIMOYA LLC, Republican Agrochemical Station, Botanical Garden and other organizations are working on scientific and practical, innovative cooperation.
The Czech Agrarian University, Slovak Agrarian University, Hohenheim University, Moscow State University, Vladimir University, Wagininengen University, Tokyo Agricultural University, Warsaw University, University of Granada and other universities, including undergraduates and doctoral students, have established cooperation with foreign universities. The work is carried out in foreign universities, professors and teachers publish scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and study guides with foreign partners.
4.The structure of the department
№ | Full name | |
1 | Jabbarov Zafarjon Abdukarimovich | , , |
2 | Sattorov Jurakul | , |
3 | Gafurova Lazizakhon Akramovna | |
4 | Zakirova Salomat Kasimbaevna | , |
5 | Sidikov Saidjon | |
6 | Jalilova Gulnora Tulkunovna | |
7 | Nabieva Gulchehra Miregashevna | |
8 | Fakhrutdinova Mashkura Fazliddinovna | , |
9 | Iskhakova Shoira Mirsadikovna | , |
10 | Kenjaev Yunus Chintoshevich | |
11 | Abdushukurova Zamira Zainitdinovna | |
12 | Makhkamova Dilafruz Yuldashevna | |
13 | Ergasheva Olimakhon Halijonovna | |
14 | Magammadiev Samad Galichevich | , |
15 | Kasimov Umidello Salimovich | |
16 | Begimova Dildora Komiljonovna | |
17 | Rakhmatov Zoir Umurzoovich | |
18 | Abdrakhmanov Tokhtasin | |
19 | Abdurakhmanov Nodir Yulchievich | |
20 | Atoeva Gulgayo Abdurakhmanovna | |
6.Scientific laboratories (if any) no.
7. Mugs
The student scientific circle "Young Soil Scientist" created at the Department of Soil Science of the Faculty of Biology of the National University of Uzbekistan is aimed at regularly attracting gifted students studying soil science, their involvement in creative and research activities and meaningful leisure. It is also planned to strengthen the knowledge and skills of students in the popular science field in the form of seminars and presentations in Uzbek and foreign languages, as well as the organization of lectures by famous scientists.
The activity of the scientific circle "Young Soil Scientist" is held once a month during the academic year. In addition, the club can organize holidays, special dates dedicated to the protection of the environment. The circle is attended by undergraduate and graduate students, basic doctoral students, independent researchers and independent researchers.
8. You can provide additional information depending on the nature of the department.
Resolution of the Government "On additional measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of reserve personnel for the agro-industrial complex" (No. 172, 03/19/2020) and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 07/15/2021. A training course was organized to ensure the implementation of Resolution No. PP-5185 "On the establishment of the Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Quarantine and Plant Protection".
The title of the training course "Determination of the state of soils based on modern analysis" The content of the training course: Laboratory work on the diagnosis of the chemical composition and properties of soils.
The purpose of the course: to teach how to determine some of the water-physical, chemical and agrochemical properties of soils.
Objectives of the training course: Sampling of soil and preparation for analysis; familiarize yourself with the safety regulations in soil and agrochemical laboratories; determination of soil moisture; determination of soil organic matter; determination of the total and movable amount of macronutrients (NPK) in the soil; determination of some water-physical and chemical properties of soils; is to determine the degree and type of salinity.
The training course includes the following topics:
1. Familiarization with the safety rules when working in the laboratory.
2. Determination of the amount of moisture in the soil by the gravimetric method.
3. Determination of the amount of humus in the soil by Tyurin's method.
4. Determination of nitrogen content N-NH 4 in soil.
5. Determination of the amount of mobile phosphorus in the soil.
6. Determination of the amount of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil.
7. Determination of the amount of carbonate SO 2 in the soil.
8. Determination of the absorbing capacity of the soil.
9. Determination of the mechanical composition of the soil by the Kachinsky pipette method.
10. Analysis of the aqueous extract: dry residue, sulfates, chlorides, Ca and Mg carbonates.
11. Determination of the pH of the soil of the environment.
12. Registration of results.