Archaeology and ethnology
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The research professor’s full name | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Ochildiev Fayzulla Bobokulovich | Head of department | “In southern Uzbekistan socio-economic life (On the example of Surkhan oasis) ” |
2 | Sagdullaev Anotoliy Sagdullaevich. | professor | “Osedlye oblasti yuga Sredney Azii v epochu rannego jeleza (genesis kultury i sotsialno-ekonomicheskaya dynamik)” |
3 | Sulaymonov Rustam Hamidovich | professor | “Ancient culture of Yujnogo Sogda” |
4 | Aminov Bobur Bobomurodovich | Docent | “Epigraphic monuments of South Uzbekistan as a historical source” |
5 | Shonazarov Shuhrat Burievich | Head teacher | “Medieval burial mounds of Karshi oasis” |
6 | Annaev Jaloliddin Tukhtashevich | Teacher | “Culture of Tarmita-Termez Buddhist Centers” |
7 | Shaydullaev Alisher Shopulatovich | teacher | “Glyptics and sphragistics of ceramic culture” |
8 | Parmonov Shokir Eshboevich | teacher | “Medieval archeological monuments of the Kesh oasis” |
9 | Nazarov Khumoyun Alisherovich | teacher | “History of the study of Kushan culture (based on archeological materials of Northern Bactria)” |
10 | Tolibov Nurbek Abdigapporovich | teacher | “History of the development of geography in Uzbekistan” (1925-1991) ” |
11 | Muhammedov Yakubjon Kadyrovich | teacher | “Administration of the Western Turkic Khanate in the Chach oasis” |
12 | Mavlonov Uktam Mahmasobirovich | professor | “Formation of ancient roads in Central Asia” |
13 | Dosmurodov Obidjon Shomirzaevich | Teacher | “Middle Zarafshan oasis as a historical and cultural region (on the example of Pakhtachi district)” (Approved) |
14 | Kuyliev Ravshan Makhmanazarovich | Teacher | “Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Sites” (Approved) |
International cooperation
Local and foreign partners:
Annaev J.T., a teacher of the archeology department of UzMU. In the 2016-2017 academic year, he participated as a member of the Uzbek-Chinese international expedition. He has been participating in archaeological research at the Talitogora monument located in the Termiz district of Surkhandarya region.