The Department of Physiology and Biochemistry was established in 1920 by Professor E.F. Poyarkov, who headed it until 1929 (Izrael A.I., 1945). In the first 5 years, the department held general physiology courses for students of the faculties of physics, mathematics and agriculture. A separate department of physiology has been established at the Faculty of Medicine.
During this period, the department collected a lot of material on the theoretical study of the physiology of digestion of invertebrates, as well as the physiology and biochemistry of silkworm immunity.
Under the leadership of A.I. Israel, he went to different regions of Central Asia 15 times. As a result of these works, a special labor physiology laboratory was established at the department. The purpose of this was to study the physiology and biochemistry of the body during physical exercises during work, training in hot and mountain climates. Since 1926, in order to assess the cardiovascular system of athletes, laboratory orthostatic tests have been carried out to determine the pulse and arterial blood pressure in a lying position and when moving from a lying position to a standing position.
Since 1926, a modern laboratory for the training of highly qualified physiologists was established at the department, and A.I. Venchikov was invited to head it. Before 1940, 42 physiologists trained in the Department of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry and began to work in their field. By 1940, the department consisted of the following employees:
A. I. Izrael, head of the department and head of the ecological laboratory. He gave lectures on the general course of human and animal physiology, the history of physiology, the courses of hot climate physiology and biochemistry, and conducted special practicals with graduate students every year.
Associate professor A.S. Shatalina was in charge of the laboratory of hematology and endocrinology, was a lecturer at the special course of hematology, experimental endocrinology. Every year since 1935, he conducted trainings with graduate students on special chapters of physiology of digestion and reproduction. Assistant F.P. Yakovleva conducted training on the general practicum and a part of the large practicum. Assistant K.L. Romanova managed the department’s biochemistry laboratory and conducted biochemistry practicals.
Since 1962, the department was headed by Antonina Stepanova Shatalina. In those years, under his leadership, scientific work was carried out to study the normal and pathological physiology of the pancreas in hot climates. From 1976, the department was headed by A.K. Hamrokulov, and research work was continued under his leadership.
In 1970, B.Z.Zaripov started working at the Institute of Physiology of the UzFA after graduating from the TDPI named after Nizoimiy. His scientific work was related to the problems of hormonal control of food digestion and absorption. In 1975, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Participation of the adrenal glands in the control of the hydrolytic and transport function of the small intestine.” Then he began to work on his doctoral thesis on “Substrate and parasubstrate control of food digestion and transport processes in the small intestine” at the Institute of Physiology named after I.P. Pavlov of the former USSR FA under the guidance of Academician A.M. Ugolev and successfully defended it in 1985. Academician A.M. Ugolev was a world-renowned scientist. Academician A.M. Together with Ugolev, they created a new method of studying membrane digestion and absorption in the small intestine of rats and some other animals under conditions of chronic experiments. Their work is considered a discovery, and this innovative method is now successfully used in 32 developed countries of the world. Academician B. Zaripov worked in the positions of Dean of the Faculty of Biology, First Vice-Rector of TashDU and TashDAU, First Deputy State Counselor of the Republic of Uzbekistan, First Deputy Minister of Higher Education. In 2004, Academician B. Zaripov was the first among Central Asian countries to receive the I.P. He was awarded a gold medal named after Pavlov. He is an academician of the International Society of Physiologists (Stockholm), an academician of the New York Academy of Sciences (USA), an honorary professor of the University of Rome (Italy), an honorary professor of the University of South Russia (Russia) and a member of the Academy of Agriculture (Uzbekistan). He has more than 100 published works, one of which is a monograph and one is an author’s certificate.
Human and animal physiology
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
- To study the mechanism of action of high temperature and toxic substances on various physiological and biochemical processes in the body and to search for ways to restore them.
- To study the mechanism of effect of various biologically active compounds and flavonoids on the metabolism of matter and energy in the body.
- The effect of heavy metal salts on the assimilation of substances by the growing organism.
- Comparative Physiology and Ecology of Eating and Digestive Processes.
International cooperation
English Content