Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Department of Training of Scientific Pedagogical Personnel

Head of the Department of Scientific Pedagogical Personnel Training


  • 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
  • Monday-Friday, 14:00-17:00
  • +998 71 246-74-35

Brief information about the department Currently, 1029 full-time professors work at the university, 394 of them are candidates of science (PhD), 207 are doctors of science. The scientific potential is 58.4%, the average age of professors and teachers is 46 years. Compared to 2017, in 2021, the scientific potential will increase by 5.3% and the age of professors and teachers with scientific degrees will be rejuvenated. Today, the university has 13 academic councils awarding academic degrees. In 2017-2021, 299 professors and teachers defended their doctoral theses (including 68 Doctor of Science (DSc), 231 Doctor of Science (PhD)). According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-6108 dated November 6, 2020, the authority to grant the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc) in Chemistry is granted to the National University of Uzbekistan, Philosophy in Biology The authority to grant the scientific degrees of doctor (PhD) and doctor of science (DSc) was presented to the Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry under the National University of Uzbekistan. According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-5032 dated March 19, 2021, the National University of Uzbekistan was given the authority to award the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (Dsc) in physics. The university prepares scientific and pedagogical personnel in 97 specialties at the institute of post-higher education:

Specialty password and name



01.01.01-Mathematical analysis



01.01.02-Differential equations and mathematician physics



01.01.03-Computational mathematics and discrete mathematics



01.01.04-Geometry and topology



01.01.05-Probability theory and mathematician statistics






01.02.04- Deformable hard the body mechanics



01.02.01-Theoretical mechanics






01.04.02-Theoretical physics



01.04.04-Physical electronics






01.04.07-Condensed state physics



01.04.08-Atomic nucleus and elementary particles physics , accelerator technique



01.04.10- Physics of semiconductors



01.04.11-Laser physics



01.04.06- Physics of polymers



02.00.01-Inorganic chemistry



02.00.02-Analytical chemistry



02.00.03-Organic chemistry



02.00.04-Physical chemistry



02.00.06-HIGH molecular compounds



02.00.08-Oil and gas chemistry and technology



02.00.09- Chemistry of goods



02.00.10-Bioorganic chemistry



02.00.14-Organic substances and they are based on materials technology






03.00.02-Biophysics and radiobiology



03.00.04-Microbiology and virology









03.00.07- Physiology of plants and biochemistry



03.00.08-Adam and animals physiology



03.00.09-General genetics












04.00.01-General and regional geology



04.00.02-Hardly useful fossil mines geology , them search and intelligence to do Metallogeny and geochemistry



04.00.03- Geotectonics and geodynamics . Petrology and lithology



04.00.04- Hydrogeology and engineering geology



04.00.05-Paleontology and stratigraphy



04.00.06-Geophysics. Useful fossils search geophysicist methods



04.00.07-Oil and gas mines geology , them search and intelligence to do



05.01.03- Theory of informatics basics



05.01.04-Calculating machines , complexes and computer user​ networks mathematician and software supply



05.01.05-Information protection methods and systems . Information security



05.01.07-Mathematical modeling . Numerical methods and programs set



06.01.03- Agro-soil science and agrophysics






06.01.09-Plant protection to do



07.00.01- History of Uzbekistan



07.00.03-World history






07.00.07-Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology



07.00.08-Historical source studies and historical studies methods



08.00.01-Economic theory






08.00.04- Agriculture economy



08.00.05- Service economy



08.00.06-Econometrics and statistics



08.00.10-Demography. Labor economy



08.00.12-Regional economy






09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic



09.00.02-Consciousness, culture and practice forms philosophy



09.00.03- History of philosophy



09.00.04-Social philosophy



10.00.01-Uzbek language



10.00.02-Uzbek literature



10.00.04-Europe, America and Australia of their peoples language and literature



10.00.06-Comparative literature , cross-reference linguistics and translation studies



10.00.07-Literary theory









10.00.10-Textual studies and literary source studies



10.00.11-Language theory . Practical and computer user​ linguistics



11.00.01-Natural geography



11.00.02- Economics and social geography



11.00.03-Land hydrology . Water resources . Hydrochemistry



11.00.05-Environmental protection to do and natural of resources reasonable use



11.00.06-Geodesy. Cartography






13.00.01-Pedagogical theory . Pedagogical teachings history



13.00.02-Education and education theory and methodology ( areas on this )



13.00.07- Management in education



19.00.01- History of psychology and theory , general psychology , personality psychology



19.00.03-Human professional activity psychology



19.00.04-Medical psychology



19.00.05-Social psychology , ethnopsychology



19.00.06-YOSH and pedagogical psychology . Development Psychology



22.00.01-Sociological theory , methodology and history​ Sociological studies methods



22.00.02-Social structure , social institutions and marriage style



22.00.03-Social consciousness and social processes sociology



23.00.01-Political theory and philosophy . Political sciences history and methodology



23.00.02-Political institutions , processes and technologies



23.00.03-Political culture and ideology



Currently, 342 basic doctoral students and 13 doctoral students are studying at the university. For 2021, 101 basic doctoral studies in 62 specialties and 4 doctoral studies in 4 specialties were accepted. The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 696 of November 6, 2020 “On measures to ensure the transparency and increase the efficiency of the processes of training of scientific personnel” to those who defended their doctoral dissertation before the end of the study period, as well as to their scientific supervisors and consultants, by order of the head of the institution, the corresponding scholarship provided for the remaining period (term) of the study period and for the work carried out with the doctoral student It is determined that the total amount of the award will be paid within 20 days from the date of presentation of the relevant diploma. Pursuant to the implementation of this Decision, 8 basic doctoral students and 1 doctoral student were paid awards in 2021.60% of 2017 graduates, 63% of 2018 graduates, 69% of 2019 graduates and 52% of 2020 graduates have defended so far. In 2021, compared to 2017, the protection index of basic doctoral students and doctoral students increased by 7%.