Working with applications of individuals and legal entities. Head of the control and monitoring department
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
- +998 71 246-08-96
- nazorat@nuu.uz
The “Internal control and monitoring” department of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is responsible for the implementation of the tasks specified in the national personnel training program, the implementation of normative documents and methodological instructions in the educational process, as well as the university was established in order to control the timely execution of orders and decisions.The “Internal control and monitoring” department has its activities approved by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 29, 2001 No. 207 “Higher Education Internal Inspection and Personnel Training” “Monitoring of the implementation of the national program” is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on implementation, the Charter of the Self-Employed Enterprise and the Department’s Regulations. The department monitors the implementation of the National Program of Personnel Training at the university, educational, methodological, spiritual, educational and educational, research, executive discipline, improvement and retraining of personnel, supervises the implementation of decisions of the board and academic council, orders of the ministry, agency and university, as well as regulatory documents in the field of education. The internal control and monitoring department is directly subordinated to the rector in its activities.
The main tasks of the department:
• monitor the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on higher education, the Board’s decision, orders and other documents of the ministry, as well as the internal orders and decisions of the university at the university
• organizing and conducting an internal inspection of university professors and teaching assistants
• control and monitoring of compliance with state educational standards and other regulatory documents, which determine the necessary requirements for the quality of personnel training and the high level of training of students
• providing practical and methodological support to branches, faculties, departments and other structural units on issues of introducing educational standards at the university
• preparation of analytical materials and proposals for the reform and improvement of the educational process to the university management bodies?
• to supervise the execution of orders for the university
• to provide practical and methodological support to the units to eliminate the shortcomings identified based on the analysis of the educational process in the university and its branches
• participation in the implementation of rating methods for evaluating the activity of professors and teachers.
• to present to the university management specific suggestions for eliminating and solving shortcomings and problems.
• verification of compliance with educational standards and educational regulations in the university and related educational institutions (branches, lyceums, etc.)
• participation in all types of council work at the university and related educational institutions
• to request the necessary documents from the branches, faculties, departments and other structural units for the performance of their service tasks and to attract experts related to the issue
• defense of the course project (work), graduation qualification works and master’s thesis, conducting state attestations and reviewing all kinds of theoretical and practical training
• to form groups involving qualified professors and teachers and employees of the university in order to study the issues within the scope of their right on the spot.