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Sadullaeva Nilufar – Head of department

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

 +998 9



Until 2002, the Department of «Theory and Practice of Translation» was part of the Faculty of Foreign Philology. The department of “Theory and Practice of Translation” was founded by Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, prof. G.T Salomov was the head of department until the end of his life. The department headed by G.T Salomov was the first in its field to open in the former Soviet Union.

In 2002, the department was renamed the Department of English Linguistics and Theory of Translation.

 Later, the department was renamed “Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics.” Now the department is called “Comparative Linguistics”.

To the department of “English Linguistics and Theory of Translation” Associate Professor G.H Salimov, prof. A.A Abduazizov, senior teachers O.M Khoshimova, M.I Valieva, E.Z Salakhova, Ph.D., Associate Professor D.K Turabekova, Ph.D., Assoc.  

When the department was headed by Ya.Yu.Arustamyan, and DSc. prof. I.A Siddikova department was called “Comparative Linguistics”.

Nowdays N.A. Sadullaeva is the Head of the department. She is currently a DSc, docent.

Sadullaeva Nilufar Azimovna was born in 1973 in the city of Tashkent. She is the head of the Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics, National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. In 2011 he defended her dissertation. In 2020 she defended her doctoral dissertation «Unextended  and extended phenomena in the Uzbek and English languages». She is the author of more than 75 scientific articles in foreign and national journals and conference proceedings, 2 monographs, 2 textbooks. She is a participant and organizer of international scientific conferences in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia and South Korea. UNICAC ERASMUS + Project Coordinator.

In the 2021 academic year, the name of the department was changed to “Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics” and the department of “Foreign Language and Literature” was established as an independent department. At present, the department has a bachelor’s degree in “5120200 – Theory and Practice of Translation” and a master’s degree in “5A120201 – Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies”.

Department of «Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics» 10.00.06 – During the thirty-year history of the department in the specialty of comparative literature, comparative linguistics and translation studies have developed mature scientists. Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Abduazizov A.A., was supervised twelve PhD and two DSc. six PhD supervised by DSc. Prof Siddikova I.A.

10.00.06 – Post graduate students are working on their doctoral dissertations and DSc. Prof. Siddiqova I.A., DSc. Assos prof. Sadullaeva N.I., Arustamyan Ya.N.PHd. assos prof., Agzamova D.B. PHd.assos prof.,   Tukhlieva H.N. PHd. assos prof., work as a scientific consultants.

The Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics participates in various grants and projects.

Erasmus + project “UNICAC – Cooperation in the exchange of knowledge between the universities of Central Asia and China.” Project Coordinator – Sadullaeva N.A.

PZ-201709134 – “Modern approach to the forms and principles of assessment quality of English language learning in the field of philology” practical project leader: Arustamyan Ya.Yu., members: Sadullaeva NA, Hasanova N.

Erasmus + project member “Key Action 1-Mobility for learners and staff-Higher education student and staff mobility”: Sadullaeva N.A.

Member of the Erasmus + project “CLASS – Development of the module based course on Computational Linguistics”: Sadullaeva N.A.

The Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics cooperates with international universities. Agreements have been signed with London Metropolitan University, Norwich Institute of Language Teaching, Fullerton University of California, Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, Najmitdin Erbakan University and Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Turkey).

In particular, the department cooperates with the Chirchik Academic Lyceum under the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Academic Lyceum No. 2 under the National University of Uzbekistan, the Department of Translation Theory and Practice of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, the Department of State and Foreign Languages ​​of the Higher Military Customs Institute.

The department has “Young translator”, “Young linguist” and “Speaking club”. Over the years, the club has been actively run by professors and students.

Today, among the priorities of the department is the development of a program of work with youth, which ensures the formation of a new type of scientific thinking, an increase in the general cultural level, and the implementation of the idea of ​​continuity.

2. Subjects taught at the department


Т/рThe name of the scienceA brief description of the science
1.Reginal studiesServes for understanding and comprehensive scientific research and popularizing study of the territory of Uzbekistan
2.Introduction to the translation studies Scientific discipline, the task of which is to study the translation process and its laws; disclosing the essence, nature and regularity of interlanguage translation correspondences of various levels by generalizing and systematizing observations on specific texts of the original and the translation;
3.Practice of translation skillsServes for practical justification and defines the basic concepts of translation
4.Practical aspects of the languageServes to increase the initial level of proficiency in a foreign language, achieved at the previous stage of education, and the mastery by students of the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence for solving social and communicative problems in various areas of general household and professional activities.
5.Country studyServes as a geographical discipline (GB) engaged in the comprehensive study of countries, systematizing and generalizing heterogeneous data on their nature, population, economy, culture and social organization.
6.Translation theoryServes for theoretical justification and defines the basic concepts of translation
7.The main foreign languageServes to increase the initial level of proficiency in a foreign language, achieved at the previous stage of education, and the mastery by students of the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence for solving social and communicative problems in various areas of general household and professional activities.
8.Integrated studies skillsServes to increase the initial level of proficiency in a foreign language, achieved at the previous stage of education, and the mastery by students of the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence for solving social and communicative problems in various areas of general household and professional activities.
9.Stylistics and text editionThe object and subject of stylistics, the system of functional styles of the English language, stylistic resources of different language levels and their application directly in the professional activities of specialists, the stylistics of the text are considered.
10. Consecutive translationA practical subject that studies the translation of a foreign language text, often with detailed explanations, which is used as a draft for subsequent literary translation
11.Written translationSubject studying translation of a foreign language text, often with detailed explanations
12.Lexicology and lexicographyServes to study the meaning of words; identifying the origin and place of a word in the lexical system of a given language;
13.Comparative typologyIntroduces future linguists-translators and teachers with the systemic features of one language with another with the basic principles of the structure of the systems of these languages, help novice linguists to develop a theoretically grounded methodology and technique of translation

2.     Subjects taught at the department


Т/рThe name of the scienceA brief description of the science
1.Problems of Comparative Linguistics and Linguistic TranslationServes to study problems in linguistics and translation studies
2.Intercultural communication theory  Serves as a discipline that describes the process of intercultural communication, the conditions for its implementation, possible difficulties and reasons for communication failures
3.Theoretical foundations of translationServes for theoretical justification and defines the basic concepts of translation
 Selected subjects: 
4.Written translation  Serves as a subject studying translation of a foreign language text, often with detailed explanations
5.Methods of artistic analysisServes for the study of methods of analysis in literary texts

4.About researchers and scientific works

  The research professor-teacherAcademic degree, title  The topic of the dissertation
1.Sadullaeva Nilyufar AzimovnaDSc, Assoc.Unextended  and extended phenomena in the uzbek and English languages
2.Siddikova Iroda AbduzuhurovnaDSc, prof.Synonymy of language and its codification foundations
3.Tukhlieva Gavkhar NurislomovnaPh.D., Assoc.Actualized features of English speech
4.Agzamova Dildora BahadirjanovnaPh.D., Assoc.General and specific features of the concept of “memory” in the English and Uzbek languages
5.Solyeva Malika AbduzuhurovnaPh.D., Assoc.Comparative typological analysis of the phonological structure of a word in the English and Uzbek languages.
6.Babaeva Salima RuzievnaPh.D., Assoc.Artistic analysis of childhood in Uzbek and American literature
7.Arustamyan Yana YuryevnaPh.D., Assoc.Lexical and semantic problems of translation of K. Vonnegut’s novels into Russian
8.Rakhimova Shakhnoza PolvonnazirovnaPh.DLinguistic peculiarities of Rendering of English Idiomatic Expressions into Uzbek
Approved dissertation topics
10.Tashpulatova VisolaSenior LecturerLinguistic and pragmatic and cultural aspects of the translation of science fiction novels from English into Uzbek (on the example of J. Rowling’s novels)
11.Umarova NodiraSenior LecturerSociolinguistic analysis of mothers’ speech in modern society ( on the material of Uzbek and English)
12.Israilova IlonaSenior LecturerA methodological model of improving the English-speaking communicative competence of medical students based on authentic serials (Dr. House) “
13.Burieva UmidaSenior LecturerIncomplete sentences in discursive analysis and their sociopragmatic features
14.Sabirova NilufarLecturerSemantic and stylistic features of paronyms in the English and Uzbek languages
15.Mirkhodzhaeva FeruzaSenior LecturerSociopragmatic features of politeness in English and Uzbek political discourse  
16.Khodzhimatova Albina Askarovna “Integration of digital tools into vocational education in Uzbekistan
17.Bakhtiyorova Maftuna Bakhtiyorovna Linguocultural interpretation of anthroponyms in the literature of the XXI century (on the example of the works of English and Uzbek writers)
Master’s theses topics
1.Javlieva Soxiba Jamgir kiziStyle and translation of advertisements in the first English and Uzbek languagesTuxlieva Gavxar Nurislomovna Ph.D. assosiate  professor National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”
2.Obidova Umriniso Abror qiziComparative study of the terms “boxing” in English and UzbekRakhimova Shakhnoza Polvonnazirovna PhD. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”
3.Ramazanova Farangiz Muhitdin kiziProblems of rendering irony in translation of belles lettres textsArustamyan Yana Yurevna Phd. Associate  professor  
4.Jandullaeva Elmira XamdullaevnaConceptualization as a strategy of scientific translation textsArustamyan Yana Yurevna Phd. Associate  professor  National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”
5.Ergashov Khurmatillo Solijon ogliComparative analysis of the terms of the concept of “tourism” in English, Russian, Uzbek languages  Siddikova Iroda Abduzuhurovna DSc.,Prof. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”
6.Idireysova Ayjamal KoshkarbaevnaSpecific features of Paremias in English, Uzbek and Qaraqalpaq languagesBabaeva Salima Ruzievna Phd. Associate  professor National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”
7.Boboqulova Gulasal Bobir qiziPragmatic features of fixed expressions in English and Uzbek  Sadullaeva Nilufar Azimovna DSc., associate professor National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”  
8.Saidova Dilafruz AbdullaevnaStylistic devices of rhethorotical speech  (on material of Uzbek and English languages)  Sadullaeva Nilufar Azimovna DSc., assosiat professor National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”  
9.Safaeva Mamura Akil qiziThe role of the lacunar model in translation theory  Agzamova Dildora Baxodirjanovna Phd.  associate  professor National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”  
10.Kholikulova Moxida Sobirjon qiziComparative study of stylistic synonyms of the English and Uzbek languages.  Siddiqova Iroda Abduzuxurovna DSc.,prof. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”  
11.Usarova Madina Ortiqboy qiziComparative study of mesurotic phraseology of English and Uzbek languages  Siddiqova Iroda Abduzuxurovna DSc., рrof. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”
12.Muhammadieva Sarvinoz Nurmat qiziPragmatic aspects of belles-lettres translation  Solieva Malika Abduzuxurovna Phd, assisiate professor  National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  Faculty of Foreign Philology  Department of “Theory of translation and comparative studies”

5 Information about local and foreign partners

т\рName of a foreign university  Date of signing the contract or memorandum  Name and phone number of the person in charge of contacting the university  The term of the contract  
1Turkey Ankara University2019 FebruarySadullveva N.A 2022 year
2Tajikistan Jalolobod state university2019 FebruarySadullveva N.A2022 year

6 The structure of the department

Фамилия исми шарифиЭлектрон почта

7. circles

1. “Young translator” head of the circle Arustamyan Yana Yurievna Ph.D., associate professor.

2. “Young linguist” head of the circle Siddikova Iroda Abduzukhurovna, DSc., prof.