Begmatova Dilfuza – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 90 959-17-93
e-mail: dilfuza.fizic@mail.ru
The department of General Physics was founded in 1969, as the Department of Inter-Divisional General Physics. It was transformed, as a result of a unification of two separate departments, the Department of Teaching Methods and History – established in 1976 and, the Department of Physics of Atmosphere – established in 1955. The unification took place in 2005, which formed the united Department of General Physics, Teaching Methods and Atmosphere. In 2011 the department was renamed as Department of General Physics. The department exists since the first days of establishment of the University, under the leadership of famous scientists, such as N.N. Zlatovratskiy, A.E.Levashev, N.V. Krimenevskiy, and L.N. Dobretsov. In 1936, a new department of Experimental Physics was organized, and up untill 1965, this department was a place of work of such famous scientists as S.V. Starodubtsev, J.N. Shuppe, S.U. Umarov, I.I. Islomov, I.Andreev, and others.
During the period of 1965-1969, the Department was headed under the leadership of Docent R.K. Karimov, who made an immense contribution to the modernization of the departments laboratories and to the development of the experiments and researches, as well.
In 1969 the department of Experimental Physics has been split into two departments Experimental Physics for physicists and Inter-departmental General physics for non-physical specializations learning physics as a general subject in other departments of the University.
Duiring 1969-1989, Docent U. V. Azizov took control of the department of Exsperimental physics, and from 1989 to 1995 the department was supervised by Prof. Bo`riboev. The Department of Physics Teaching Methods and History was under management of Prof. E.N. Nazirov.
From 1969 to 1991 the department of Inter-departmental General physics was chaired by Prof. Ma`rupov, M.A., known in the field of Physics of Hard Substances. He has made a giant contribution to the development of study methods to raise effectiveness of study processes, which is being successfully used not only in the department, but also in the general system of University and Higher education of the Republic. Starting from 1991 till 2012, the department was chaired by professor U. Abduraxmanov. From 2012 the chairman of the department is the professor A.V.Umarov.
Bachelor‘s degree disciplines:
- Teaching method physics
- Istoriyes physics
- General physics
- Рhysics
Discipline of a master‘s degree:
- Scientific research methodologies
Head of the department: