A meeting was held with representatives of the French Embassy.
The National University of Uzbekistan has been cooperating with the French Embassy in Uzbekistan for many years. Especially, the Francophonie holiday was widely celebrated at the National University of Uzbekistan in 2016-2017, and the university participated as a partner organization. Furthermore, because of the office of the Uzbekistan-France friendship society is located at the National University of Uzbekistan, many events, seminars-trainings, roundtable discussions with the French Embassy are organized at the National University of Uzbekistan. In particular, the Uzbek-French Educational Forum was organized at the National University of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Embassy of France in 2022.
A meeting was held with representatives of the French Embassy and officials of the Department of International Relations of the National University of Uzbekistan on December 11, 2023. Serge Bellini, Attache of France for cooperation in the field of education, Marie Beatrice Leveau, President of the Young Ambassador Francophone Organization, and Fatima Nicole Sila, Young Francophone Ambassador, visited to the National University of Uzbekistan.
At the meeting, a dialogue was held regarding the cooperation of NUUz with French universities, students learning the French language, and the Francophone organization. The representatives of the embassy and Francophone ambassadors highly appreciated the knowledge of the students studying French and offered to cooperate on francophone.
An interview was also held with students learning the French language. During the interview, their knowledge and skills were tested, and a list of candidates for the position of young francophone ambassador was drawn up. It was mentioned that the test results will be announced before the Francophone festival in March.