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Department of Geophysical Research Methods

A.X.Toxtasinov – Head of department
 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
71 227-15-46

After the Tashkent earthquake in 1966, according to the decision of the Academy of Sciences and the decision of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1968, the Department of Geophysical Research Methods was reorganized at the Geological Faculty of Tashkent State University (TashSU)

1Basic geophysicsThe term geophysics means “geo” – Earth, “physics” – physics, i.e. “Physics of the earth”. This is the study of the structure and intensity of physical fields in the earth’s crust, mantle and core, as well as physical fields created by various rocks and structures.
2Geophysical methods of researchesThe science of geophysical research methods is based on the study and analysis of physical fields. Physical fields can be studied on the surface of the Earth, in mines, in wells, in the sea, in the ocean, in the atmosphere and in space.
3Remote sensing methods and digital mappingRemote sensing is a method of obtaining information about an object of investigation from a certain distance in the air or space.that is, direct contact of an element of the sensitive apparatus with the surface of the object of study and obtaining information about its image or physical parameters.
4Earth PhysicsThe internal structure of the Earth, its properties, the formation processes of the main layers of the Earth (geospheres) and the possibility of studying their future development are fundamental science.
5SeismothomographyPhysical fields of the Earth and their parameters, the concept of direct and inverse functions of seismic exploration, analysis of the physical properties of rocks and the relationship of geological objects with the description of events, methods of field seismic survey and interpretation of the data obtained.
6Nuclear geophysicsNuclear-geophysical-geological structure and physical methods based on the phenomena of radioactive decay in the study of the chemical composition of rocks.
7Complexing of geophysical methodsModern geological exploration is a complex process consisting of a number of stages of research.At each stage of the study, specific issues of studying the patterns of distribution of minerals and the discovery of suitable industrial deposits are considered.
8Applied geophysics in wellsBased on the study of various physical areas in wells, methods for determining the properties of rocks and non-core geological documentation of sections, studying the geological structure and lithological composition of rocks and prospecting for minerals, especially oil and gas, and these minerals, it is possible to study geophysical methods in development.
9Well geophysics data interpretationOne of the most important areas of geological science is geophysical methods for studying the earth’s surface, underground workings and wells. Geophysical survey methods are used to identify anomalies in the Earth’s interior based on changes in different physical areas and to search for various minerals as a result of their geological interpretation. The use of geophysical research methods is of great economic importance, since they provide information about the geological and geophysical structure of the earth’s crust at different depths and the physical properties of rocks in their natural state, which cannot be determined by other methods. you to get the data.
103D seismic surveyTo study the modern theoretical and practical achievements of three-dimensional seismic and the problems facing its individual departments, to be able to synthesize scientific, field, production and technical problems of seismic research.
11Electric surveyElectromagnetic properties of rocks and laws of distribution of parameters of electromagnetic fields in time and space. He also teaches them how to use them to solve various scientific and economic problems.
12Complex interpretation of geophysical dataApplication of a complex of geophysical methods in the study of various geological environments and their boundaries, as well as training in geological interpretation with a comprehensive interpretation of geophysical data obtained in various geotectonic conditions.
13Hydrogeophysics and engineering geophysicsThe study of the physical and geological foundations of engineering geophysics – the study of the purpose, methods and objects of research in engineering geophysics, the characteristics of their geological structure and physical properties of rocks.
14Microseismic regionalizationPreparation of correct decisions and full and complete conclusions on microseismic zoning, mapping of microseismic activity, seismic epicenter using distribution and accumulation methods, mapping of microregions taking into account vibrations from surrounding territories, as well as various scientific and economic trainings for their use in solving problems.
15Detailed seismic regionalizationPreparation of correct decisions and full and complete conclusions on microseismic zoning, mapping of microseismic activity, seismic epicenter using distribution and accumulation methods, mapping of microregions taking into account vibrations from surrounding territories, as well as various scientific and economic trainings for their use in solving problems.
16Contemporary problems of seismologyTo study the modern theoretical and practical achievements of seismology and the problems facing its individual departments, to be able to synthesize scientific, field, production and technical problems of seismic research.
17Common seismic regionalizationPreparation of correct decisions and complete conclusions on general seismic zoning, mapping general seismic activity, determining the epicenter of an earthquake by distribution and accumulation methods, zoning taking into account fluctuations from the surrounding territories, as well as various scientific and folk methods “- to teach them to use them in solving economic problems.
18Potential fieldsThe density and magnetic properties of rocks are used to describe the laws of distribution of the parameters of the gravitational and magnetic fields in time and space.
19Objects of seismic researchesStudy of the conditions for the formation of various seismic waves, methods of their excitation and registration, construction of seismogeological models based on the interpretation of various seismic data, conclusions.
20Well geophysics data interpretationOne of the most important areas of geological science is geophysical methods for studying the earth’s surface, underground workings and wells. Geophysical survey methods are used to identify anomalies in the Earth’s interior based on changes in different physical areas and to search for various minerals as a result of their geological interpretation. The use of geophysical research methods is of great economic importance, since they provide information about the geological and geophysical structure of the earth’s crust at different depths and the physical properties of rocks in their natural state, which cannot be determined by other methods. you to get the data.
21Oil and gas geophysicsGeneralization of scientific, field and technical problems in the field of oil and gas geophysics, patterns of location of oil and gas fields and reservoirs, conditions of their formation, methods of exploration and similar geophysical research.
22Contemporary problems of geophysicsTo study the modern theoretical and practical achievements of geophysics and the problems facing its individual departments, as well as to synthesize scientific, field, production and technical problems of geophysical research.
23Central Asia geophysics and geodynamicsStudy of the structure of the upper mantle and crust, basements and bedrocks of Central Asia. Modern endogenous regimes, geodynamics and evolution of the region, interpretation of regional geophysical data when detecting oil and gas traps, geological analysis of geophysical data.
24Remote sensing data interpretationTypes of remote sensing data and the basics of their application in geological exploration; remote sensing data processing methods; geological analysis of remote sensing data; complex analysis and analysis of remote geological and geophysical data.
25Ecological geophysicsStudy of changes in the geological environment under the influence of natural and technogenic geophysical processes and phenomena, as well as the determination of geophysical methods for assessing the ecological stability of the lithosphere.
26Geophysics of ore and non-ore depositsTo study the modern theoretical and practical achievements of the science of geophysics of ore and ore deposits, as well as the problems facing its separate departments, to synthesize scientific, field, production and technical problems of the geophysics of ore and ore deposits.
27Earthquakes mechanicsApplication of the theory of elasticity in seismology, the basics of seismic devices, methods of registration and seismic observation services, earthquakes, their causes and occurrence, formation of the epicenter and its mechanism, classification of the epicenter of earthquakes, the field of tectonic stresses, knowledge of seismotectonic potentials and learning to draw conclusions based on the analysis of processes.
28Engineering seismologyApplication of the theory of elasticity of waves in solving problems of engineering seismology, fundamentals of the operation of instruments used in engineering seismology, methods of registration and seismic monitoring services, laws of behavior of buildings and structures under the influence of earthquakes and microseismic conditions.
29Seismic risksTheoretical and physical foundations of the seismic regime, methods of processing earthquakes and editing seismological data.
30Seismotectonics and geodynamicsGeological evolution of the Earth, tectonics of lithospheric plates, cycles of tectonic activity in the history of the Earth, as well as their use in solving various scientific and economic problems.

List of doctorants and independent researchers of the geophysical methods of research deparment

1Tukhtameshov Fayzullo Gulomjon ogliDoctorantMicroseismic zoning of large cities of Uzbekistan (on the example of Bukhara)
2Tukhtasinov Ahmadjon Hasanjon ogliDoctorantClassification of the earth’s crust of the territory of Uzbekistan based on geological and geophysical data
3Atabaev Behzod DilshotovichDoctorantGeological features of the structure of the Zarafshan basin according to geophysical data
4Israilova Zulfiya UlugbekovnaDoctorantLateral variations in petrophysical features of Jurassic terrigenous deposits of the Hispano-Chandir depression in the Bukhara-Khiva region
5Akbarov Umid MurodjonovichIndependent researcher3D geological and geophysical model of the Paleozoic sediments of the Ustyurt oil and gas region
6Kudratov Sobir SultanovichIndependent researcherConducting 3D seismic exploration in areas not served by seismic vibrators and explosive methods (for example, Krasnoye Lake)
7Azimov Farrukh ShukhratovichIndependent researcherGeneralization of materials from geophysical studies of pre-Jurassic deposits and development (on the example of the Ustyurt plateau).
8Toshpulatov Farhod NorbaevichIndependent researcherGeophysical features of the source of strong earthquakes in the south of Uzbekistan

Lecturers and professors of the department

Атабаев Дилшот Хусаинбаевич  Atabaev Dilshot Khusainbaevich – Head of Department, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1985 he graduated from the geological faculty of the Tashkent State University. Gives lectures for undergraduates on the courses “Fundamentals of Geophysics and Geochemistry”, “Objects of Seismic Research”.  
photo_2018  Radjabov Shukhrat Sayfullaevich – Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor, in 1992 graduated from the Tashkent State University, Faculty of Geology. Gives lectures for undergraduates and masters on methods of geophysical research, courses in interpretation of GIS data.    
Хусанбаев Даврон Джураевич1  Khusanbaev Davron Dzhuraevich – Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1984 he graduated from the geological faculty of the Tashkent State University. Gives lectures for undergraduates and masters in the courses “Physics of the Earth”, “Integrated interpretation of geophysical data”, “Integration of geophysical methods”.
  Goipov Akram Bayramovich-Doctor of Philosophy in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor. In 2016 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Gives lectures for undergraduates on the courses “Remote sensing and digital mapping in geology”, GIS technologies, “Geophysical research methods”, “Nuclear Geophysics”
  Mukhammadrakhimov Chingiz Shermukhammedovich – In 2019 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Gives lectures, conducts practical, seminar and laboratory classes for undergraduates in the courses “Geophysical research methods”, “Geological methods of remote sensing and digital mapping”.
men  Ziyabov Shokhrukh Rustamjon-ogli – In 2019 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Gives lectures, conducts practical, seminar and laboratory classes for bachelors on the courses “Methods of Geophysical Research”, “Electrotomography”.
  Kadirov Musurmonkul Muzaffarjon-ogli – In 2020 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Conducts practical, seminar and laboratory classes for bachelors in the courses “Seismology and seismometry”, “Methods of geophysical research.”  
Абдуллаев Нодир Abdullaev Nodirkhon Kadirkhan-ogli – In 2019 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Gives lectures, conducts practical, seminar and laboratory classes for bachelors in the courses “Fundamentals of Geophysics and Geochemistry”, “Methods of Geophysical Research”. 
 Ergashev Abbas Jamal-ogli – In 2021 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Conducts practical, seminar and laboratory classes for bachelors in the courses “Fundamentals of Geophysics and Geochemistry”, “Methods of Geophysical Research”.
photo_2021-05-25_15-22-06  Allamberdiev Iskandara Sunnatilla-ogli – In 2020 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Gives lectures, conducts practical, seminar and laboratory classes for bachelors in the courses “Methods of Geophysical Research”, “Physics of the Earth”, “Methods of Geophysical Research”.
 Atabaev Behzod Dilshotovich –2013 Graduated from the Tashkent branch of the University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin. Gives lectures for bachelors in geophysical research methods.
Расм034  Meliboev Bohodir Fayzulloevich – In 2016 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Gives lectures, conducts seminars and laboratory classes for bachelors in the course “Methods of Geophysical Research”.
Тўхтасинов А  Tukhtasinov Akhmadzhon Khasanjon-ogli – graduated from the Geological Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek in 2017. Gives lectures, conducts seminars and laboratory classes for bachelors in the courses “Fundamentals of Geophysics and Geochemistry”, “Methods of Geophysical Research”.    
Last name and first name  Email   
1Atabaev Dilshot 
2Khusanbaev Davron 
3Goipov Akram 
4Mukhammadrakhimov Chingiz 
5Ziyabov Shokhrukh Rustamzhon 
6Abdullaev Nodirkhon Kadyrkhan 
7Allamberdiev Iskandar Sunatilla 
8Kadyrov Musurmonkul Muzaffarjon 
9Ergashov Abbas Jamal 
10Tukhtameshov Faizulla Gulomjon 
11Tukhtasinov Ahmadzhon Khasanjon 
12Meliboev Bakhodir 
13Atabaev Behzod 
14Radjabov Shukhrat 
15Ibragimov Roman 
16Ibragimova Tatiana 
17Ibragimov Alisher 
18Nurmatov Ulfat 
20Alimukhammedov Ilhom Mizratovich  
21Zakirov Azamat 
22Yanbukhtin Ilyas 
23Inatov Nurbek Komiljon 
27Toshpulatov Farhod