Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Department of Hydrogeology

Tadjibayeva Nodira – Head of department

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

+998 71 246-71-63


Professors of the Department of Hydrogeology

  1. Tadjibayeva Nodira Ruziyevna (associate professor) ru
  2. Mirakhmedov Tolqin Djurayevich (associate professor)
  3. Suyunov Sobirjon Eshboy oglu
  4. Atakulova Mohinur Utkir qizi
  5. Begaliyev Norbek Sahadinovich
  6. Hasanov Nomon Rakhmatovich
  7. Mardiyev Utkir Berdiyevich
  8. Usmanov Mobin Sayfurjonovich
  9. Anorboyev Erkin Alisher oglu

1. The department of hydrogeology has been headed by prof. Organized under the auspices of OKLange as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

Water shortages in Central Asia, the growing demand for fresh groundwater, and land reclamation have necessitated the acceleration of hydrogeological work. Due to this, in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers in 1952, this specialty was restored at the university, and the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology was headed by prof. It was organized under the leadership of MMKrilov.

 From 1952 to 2009 the department was headed by MMKrilov, AS Khasanov, PPNagevich, VGSamoylenko, NTTakhirov, UUUmarov, DVZakhidova, since 2019 NRTadjibaeva has been working as the head of the department.

In the formation and development of educational, methodological and research work at the department prof. VGGafurov, AS Khasanov, docent FIVoronov, PPNagevich, VGSamoylenko, NTTakhirov and others made significant contributions.

Since the establishment of the department, the staff of the department has been maintaining and developing the traditions of the scientific-pedagogical school. From 1952 to 1990, the department was actively involved in the training of hydrogeological and engineering geological cycle sciences on the basis of the faculties of geology, biology and geography. After 1952, the department trained about 2,000 specialists. Graduates of the department fill the scientific and engineering staff of the Institute “Uzbekhydrogeology” and “GIDROINGEO”.

Currently, the department has a circle of young hydrogeologists. The circle is headed by teacher S.Suyunov. 25 students regularly attend the club.

In addition, the department has established cooperation with many enterprises and organizations. (“Uzbekhydrogeology”, “GIDROINGEO” Institute, Uzbek Institute of Geophysics DM “Institute of Geology and Geophysics” named after HMAbdullayev).

2. About professors and teachers

2.1 The total number of professors and teachers is 9, incl

– 1 candidate of science

– 1 PhD

– 7 non-academic professors and teachers

2.2 The teaching staff

2 females 7 males.

3. Number of educational programs

  • Bachelor’s degree in mineral assessment and geomodeling
  • Master’s degree – Hydrogeology (by objects of study)
  • Doctorate – Hydrogeology

The following subjects are taught at the department:

In the field of undergraduate education

  1. Fundamentals of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
  2. Geoinformation systems in geology
  3. Hydrogeology
  4. Hydrogeology of mineral deposits
  5. Geomodeling
  6. Evaluation of mineral deposits in computer programs
  7. Methods of mathematical statistics in solving geological problems
  8. Geological database and its design
  9. Modeling of hydrogeological processes
  10. Study of groundwater regime balance
  11. Methods of hydrogeological research
  12. Groundwater monitoring
  13. Regional hydrogeology

In the specialty of master’s degree

  1. Fundamentals of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
  2. Basics of hydrogeochemistry
  3. Assessment of groundwater resources and reserves
  4. Urban hydrogeology
  5. Ameliorative hydrogeology
  6. Hydrogeoecology
  7. Hydrogeology of Uzbekistan

  Department of Hydrogeology e-mail address of professors teachers  
Last name first nameEmail
1Tadjibayeva Nodira Ruziyevna (associate professor)
2 Mirakhmedov Tolqin Djurayevich (associate professor)
3Suyunov Sobirjon Eshboy
4Atakulova Mohinur Utkir
5Begaliyev Norbek Sahadinovichbegaliyevnorbek@
6Hasanov Nomon Rakhmatovichkhasanovnomon@
7Mardiyev Utkir Berdiyevichmardiyevotkir@
8Usmanov Momin Sayfurjonovichusmanovmomin@
9Anorboyev Erkin Alisher ogluanorboyeverkin@