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Promotional events are being organized under the slogan “Enlightenment against Ignorance”

At the National University of Uzbekistan, promotional events are being held across faculties under the slogan “Enlightenment against Ignorance.”

The event organized for the Faculty of Foreign Philology was attended by the Rector’s Advisor Jalol Ruziyev, Chairperson of the Advisory Council on Women’s Issues Rano Rustamova, faculty leadership, relevant university officials working with youth, tutors, and students.

At the event, Zokirjon Mardonov, head of the religious and educational department of the Tashkent city “Center for Educational Promotion” state institution, provided extensive information and insights on the topic.

The roundtable discussion addressed issues of preventing spiritual threats in society, fostering a healthy worldview among young people, and protecting them from various negative influences.

NUUz Information Service