Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Department of meteorology and climatology

Egamberdiyev Hamroqul Tursunqulovich-Head of department

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

+998 90 359-72-19


The department was formed in 2021 on the basis of the newly created Faculty of Hydrometeorology of the National University of Uzbekistan in the 2021/2022 academic year in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 17, 2020 No. PD-4896 “On measures to further improve the hydrometeorological service of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Currently, the department has two doctor of sciences, two candidates of sciences, two senior teachers, one teacher, two interns and one basic doctoral student. Also, when teaching students in the educational process, prominent scientists and specialists from the Hydrometeorological Research Institute, doctor of technical sciences, professor will be accepted. S.V.Myagkov, candidate of technical sciences T.A.Akhmedova, from the Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems, doctor of technical sciences, professor I.E.Makhmudov.

The department has full-time and part-time studies in the areas of 60520100-Hydrometeorology, master’s degree in specialties 70520102-Hydrometeorology (by type of activity), 70520103 – 5A140703-Climate change and climate risk assessment, 70520104 – Glaciology and monitoring of snow cover. A system of basic doctoral studies (PhD) and doctoral studies (DSc) has been created in the specialties 11.00.03 – Land hydrology. Water resources. Hydrochemistry.

Graduates of the department work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Center for Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of agriculture, the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and industry research institutes.

The main courses of the department are geophysics,  atmospheric physics, synoptic meteorology, climatology, meteorological calculations, meteorological forecasts, agrometeorology.

Currently, the faculty of the department, together with the staff of the Hydrometeorological Research Institute, are carrying out a scientific grant on the topic Develop a system for monitoring changes in the mass balance of glaciers in the context of global climate change and technologies describing the future state of glaciers.

1. Subjects and  specialties for bachelor’s and master’s degree students studying in the department

Bachelor’s (Meteorology and Climatology) Sciences

SubjectBrief information about subject
1Introduction to Metrology and climatologyTo give a general concept of the system, general and special subjects in the directions of meteorology and climatology, their objects and  methods, the atmosphere and the connection of the processes occurring among themselves in them.
2Fundamentals of GeophysicsTo give knowledge about the galaxy, the solar system, the Earth and the formation of the layers of the Earth in historical geological processes – the lithosphere, atmosphere, physical properties of the hydrosphere, as well as the laws of their relationship
3Informational calculating systems of meteorologyStudy the physical principles of meteorological measuring instruments, the physical properties of the calculation of meteorological quantities
4Physics of the atmosphereTo study the composition and structure of the atmosphere, their baric field and thermodynamic, radiation processes occurring in it, the temperature regime of the atmosphere, the regime of atmospheric humidity, the dynamics of the movement of the atmosphere, and their originality as well as the laws of the phenomena, the mutual influence of each process from the environment
5Synoptic meteorologyStudy synoptic objects and their weather condition, and indicate their ways of reducing adverse processes
6Dynamic meteorologyTo study the influencing forces in the atmosphere, the equation of hydrothermodynamics of the atmosphere, their methods of simplification, the dynamics of the free atmosphere, the types of natural systems, the basic equations of motion, also questions of the properties of the separation of the atmosphere, their angle of inclination
7Meterological programming languageDevelopment of logical thinking, study the methods of mathematical modeling in the analysis of scientific problems
8Synoptical processes in Central AsiaTo study the weather conditions of the ongoing macro-synoptic processes over Central Asia, statistical and stochastic characteristics, the importance of synoptic processes in climate change
9Remote sensing techniquesTo study methods of sounding (pilot balloon, radio sounding, rockets and satellites and meteorological radars) of the atmosphere, to determine the height of the cloud base on the Earth’s surface
10ClimotologyTo study the safety, efficiency of all branches of human economic activity, the relationship between weather and climate. Have knowledge of basic meteorological quantities, phenomena and factors, methods of effective use of the branches of human economic activity.
11Meteorological calculationsTo study modern methods of collection, statistical processing and analysis of meteorological data
12Meteorological forecastsTo examines the weather condition and forecasting, show ways to reduce the impact of adverse causes
13Applied climatologyProcessing and analysis of climate data for applied research
14Aeronautical meteorologyTraining of specialists with theoretical and practical knowledge for meteorological support of flights in order to improve safety, timeliness of flights and economic efficiency
15AgrometeorologyTo study the composition and structure of the atmosphere, solar radiation, the temperature regime of air and soil, the effect of air and soil moisture on the life of plants, as well as a hazardous phenomenon for agriculture

Master’s degree 70520101 – Meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology (by type of activity) Sciences

SubjectBrief information  about subject
1Dynamics of the atmosphereTo study the influencing forces in the atmosphere, the equation of hydrodynamics of the atmosphere, methods for their simplification, the dynamics of the free atmosphere, the types of the basic equations, the motion of various coordinate systems and their solution also familiarize the energy turnover of the atmosphere
2General circulation of the atmosphereTo study the objects of general circulation of the atmosphere and the formation of the system, the main methods of adaptation to the causes of climate change
3Theoretical basics of climate and its changesTo study the reason for the formation of the climate averaged by the meteorological characteristics of the atmosphere, their dynamics of change, as well as on the classification and characteristics of the Earth’s climate.
Elective sciences
4Agricultural meteorologyTo study methods for determining the microclimate and phytoclimate, the effect of climate on diseases and pests of agricultural crops, the choice of agrometeorological sites, the composition of observation, the timing and marks of phenological phases, agrometeorological and agroclimatic conditions, the rate of plant development and the sum of effective temperatures.
5General agrometeorologyTo reveal  the climatic features of the territory for the purpose of the most rational placement of agricultural production facilities, climatic substantiation of methods and techniques of agricultural technology, operating conditions of agricultural machines, study of the climate and microclimate with the aim of their possible improvement for agricultural production.
6Cloud physicsTo study the thermodynamic conditions for the formation of clouds and precipitation, the mechanisms of droplet growth, all meteorological phenomena of the atmosphere, the physical foundations and regularities of the processes of the formation of clouds and precipitation.
7Features of the regional circulation of Central AsiaTo study the climate system, factors and processes of climate formation, climate classification, climate zoning, Earth’s climate, features of the circulation conditions of Central Asia
8Cosmic meteorologyTo study the issues of sounding with the help of rockets, artificial meteorological satellites of the Earth, radars, aircraft in the study of physical processes of the atmosphere, solar radiation, radiation balance, methods and instruments for measuring radiant and heat balances, the study of various weather phenomena observed in Uzbekistan, issues of preventing dangerous phenomena, cumulus
9Forecast of dangerous meteorological situationsTo study of weather conditions and their forecasting, ways to reduce their negative consequences. Determination of unfavorable processes occurring in nature, study of methods for forecasting dangerous meteorological phenomena
10Numerical weather forecastsTo study the current state of the theory and practice of forecasting methods, various approaches to the creation of forecasting models, the physical foundations of medium- and short-term forecasts of synoptic processes, the foundations of numerical weather forecasting methods, numerical models and their schemes used in strong weather forecasting.
11Active influences of atmospheric processesTo study correction of weather conditions to create favorable conditions for humans, coverage of the basics of the physics of clouds and precipitation, methods of exposure for various purposes, assessment of the effectiveness of work and indicate ways to reduce negative consequences with the right impact
12Modern problems of meteorology and climatologyTo determinate general methodological problems, study of the relationship between terrestrial hydrometeorological components, familiarity with the global problems of mankind, depending on the state of the water and air layers of the Earth, study of the influence of anthropogenic impact on the state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, forecasting the climate system, the main regional and international programs on water, land and atmosphere, organizations participating in these studies.
13BiometeorologyTo study the influence of meteorological conditions on living organisms, their adaptation to climatic conditions

2. About researchers and scientific research work

Researcher professor’s nameAcademic degree, titleThe name of the dissertation
1Kholbaev Gulman KholbaevichCandidate of geographical sciencesTheoretical bases of agrometeorological assessment of grain yield in irrigated areas of Uzbekistan

3. Information on local and foreign partners

Department of Meteorology and Climatology Service Center of Hydrometeorology (Uzhydromet), Research Institute of Hydrometeorology, Karakalpak State University, St. Petersburg Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Russian Federation, Moscow State University, Kyoto and Japan.

4. Department staff

Full namee-Mail
1Egamberdiev Khamroqul Tursunqulovich PHD – head of the
2Kholmatjonov Bakhtiyor Makhamatjanovich d.g.s,
3Petrov Yuriy Vasilevich c.Ph-m.s,
4Kholbaev Gulman Kholbaevich c.g.s,
5Shermukhammedov Ulugbek 

5. Science clubs

Young Meteorologists Scientific Club;