Head of Department: Sayfulloyev Shahrukh son of Amin
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Monday – Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
Educational literature and publishing department
The department of educational literature and publishing was established on the basis of the department of educational and methodological support of the university. This Department is responsible for the creation and translation of textbooks and teaching-methodical literature in accordance with the requirements of the concept of creating a new generation of educational literature for the continuing education system, providing new textbooks, educational-methodical collections, summarizing publication plans and it is the structural structure of the university that carries out tasks such as monitoring their implementation, organizing publishing works, analyzing and making proposals for their replenishment with new knowledge.
The composition of the department
It consists of 1 department head, 2 stylists, 1 editor, 1 proofreader and 1 technical editor.