Head of department: Rofiyeva Gulasal Yusubjonovna, PhD 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Monday-Friday, 09:00 – 17:00
Phone: +998 71 246 54 13
E-mail: rofiyeva_g@nuu.uz
Department of Strategic Development and International Ranking
The Department analyzes data coming from all units within the management structure, studying the dynamics of the university’s development. The Department has prepared the data formalized in accordance with the request of international rating agencies such as THE and QS. Based on the experience of foreign universities that occupy high places in international ratings, proposals for the university development strategy are elaborated.
The composition of the department is as follows: 1 head of the department and 4 methodologists (1 for 1 and 3 for 0.5 staff unit).
Functional duties of the department:
- Drawing up current and perspective work plans of the department and ensuring their fulfillment;
- Provision and control of execution of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, decrees of the President, resolutions, orders, decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers, resolutions of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, orders, instructional letters, moemograms and telephonograms, as well as execution and control of independent work-orders on the activities of the department at faculties, departments;
- Ensuring the implementation of normative documents, methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and decisions of the University Council on work with international students, orders and instructions of the Rector of the University, instructions of the Vice-Rector for International Relations;
- Making proposals to the management on improving the work of the university;
- Control over the storage of materials and data on the activities of the department;
- Continuous monitoring of parameters affecting the rating indicators and providing the management with information on their status;
- Regular determination of indicators of the university’s contribution to the international ranking in the context of faculties and departments;
- Constantly familiarize the staff of departments and chairs with the requirements of the international rating system;
- Improvement and development of the department’s activities;
- Implement appropriate measures to improve and develop the activities of the department;
- Provide information and reports in the manner prescribed in the Ministry and other relevant departments regarding the activities of the Department;
- Participate in the development and approval of projects and organizational and methodological documents for the implementation of NUU’s international activities;
- Fulfillment of legal orders and instructions of the employer;
- Compliance with the requirements of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation.