Muminov Alisher Gaffarovich – Dean of the faculty
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00 +998 9
E-mail: a.muminov@nuu.uz

Mo‘minov Otabek O‘ktamovich – Deputy dean
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00 +998 9
E-mail: o.muminov@nuu.uz

Parmonov Shokir Eshboevich – Deputy dean
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00 +998 9
E-mail: parmonov.1984Gmail.ru

Djurayev Ravshan Xurramovich – Deputy dean
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00 +998 9
A history faculty was founded in 1935, History of ancient world, History of ancient world History of the middle ages and History of new period departments were active. Afterwards, new faculties,,such as Archaeology, The middle ages and new history (gradually world history, Literary criticism, archival and museology, Ethnology were joined to the faculty.
Faculty activity was ruled by I.Dodonov, D.Lobashev, A.Hamraev, X.Hamroev, L.Gentshke, G.Kovolyov, O.Toshmuhammedov, G.A.Hidoyatov, A.S.Sagdullaev, X.G.Gulomov, Z.U.Choriev, A.C.Tatibaev, Z.R.Ishonxojaeva, M.M.Haydorov. Nowadays, A.Muminov leads to the faculty.
About professors and teachers
2.1The total number of professors and teachers is 67, including:
- 1 academic
- 13 doctors
- 18 candidates
- 15 PhDs
- 20 teachers without academic degree
2.1 The teaching staff (male 41 / female 24)
Number of educational programs:
- Bachelor – in 4 directions
- Master’s degree – in 6 specialties
- Granting academic degrees, 1 academic council
- 1 specialty (DSc, PhD)
Bachelor’s degree (daily):
60220300 History (by countries and directions)
60220400 Archeology
60320300 Archives
60230500 Anthropology and ethnology
Bachelor’s degree (evening):
60220300 History (by countries and directions)
60220400 Archeology
Bachelor’s degree (correspondence):
60220300 History (by countries and directions)
60320300 Archives
Secondary specialization (if any)
60220300 History (by countries and directions)
60320300 Archives
Master’s degree:
70220301 History (by directions and type of activity)
70220302 Management of state and civil society institutions
70220303 Methods of historiography, source studies and historical research (by country)
70230501 Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
70320301 Documentary, documentary and archival
Student contingent
5.1. The number of students in the courses
5.2 Number of boys / girls
5.3.Gifted students (with quality photos)
5.4.Student accommodation (photo) and indicators of students’ use of accommodation (in numbers)
Departments of the faculty
- History of Uzbekistan
- The latest history of Uzbekistan
- Source studies and archiving
- World History
- Anthropology and ethnology
- Archeology