Dean of the faculty – Raximov Vladimir Shavkatovich 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Wednesday-Saturday, 15:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-18-02
It is known that the formation of a healthy lifestyle in our country, creation of conditions suitable to the modern requirements of the younger generation for regular physical education and sports, strengthening confidence in their will, strength and opportunities in young people through sports competitions, perfection of courage and patriotism, feelings of loyalty to the motherland, as well as systematic organization of the selection
Today, representatives of our country have achieved high results in the Olympic, world and Asian Games and prestigious international sports competitions. In particular, it is especially notable that taekwondo (WTF) is rapidly developing and becoming more popular among young people in our republic.
In order to further develop the taekwondo (WTF) sport type in the Republic of Uzbekistan, improve the system of training of highly skilled athletes and personnel, the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on the establishment of the faculty” taekwondo and sports activities within the structure of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek”dated November 16,
According to this decision, the main tasks of the faculty were determined. According to him, taekwondo (WTF) has mastered the methods of teaching and practical training of the sport type, as well as its history, philosophy, classification, training of highly qualified personnel who will be able to use modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the educational process, using international advanced foreign experience, involving qualified practitioners and trainers of our country with a high, development of their skills and knowledge for the training of professional athletes who are worthy of participation in international sports competitions development of modern training programs and techniques, formation of skills in physical education and sports taking into account individual abilities and talents in education, training of specialists with high potential and thorough knowledge in the field of sports, it consists of training of talented athletes who achieve high results in the Republican and international sports competitions and participate in the national teams of Uzbekistan.
New areas of Education, specialties and priority areas of Science, which play an important role in the social life of our country, have been identified and brought to attention the special role and international prestige of the team of professors and teachers of the faculty in the field of Science, Education, Enlightenment, scientific research, the formation of the educational system, 5610518-sports activities taekwondo (WT), 5610700 – organization and management of sports events, 5610700 – organization and management of sports events (correspondence), as well as sports activities Rugby and wrestling education directions were organized.
In order to train highly qualified trainers and teachers, to identify talented young athletes, to prepare professional athletes who will take part in international sports competitions, modern training programs and techniques aimed at developing their skills and knowledge have been developed.
The organization and management of sports activities (taekwondo WT, rugby, wrestling) and sports events in order to further strengthen the knowledge and skills of students and young people in the areas of Education, full-fledged productive use of the University Sports Complex was launched.
At the Faculty of taekwondo and sports activities, it was determined to introduce innovative methods at all levels of training and training, as well as conduct in-depth research on topical topics in the field of physical education and sports. As a result, each year, about 30 scientific articles (more than 10 of them abroad), about 5 monographs, more than 10 textbooks, more than 15 manuals and scientific-methodical works, as well as scientific-practical conference collections of educational institutions of the Republic on the topic “prospects of development of physical education and Sports: problems and solutions” held in 2021 were published.
The activities of the school of “young scientists” at the faculty have been widely established in order to ensure the perfection of its strength and dignity for the students and to become mature specialists of the field of interest in the future, in the sports complex of the university more than 10 sports clubs and sports games, as well as to awaken strong motivation
A lot of work is being carried out at the faculty to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with prestigious science and education centers in foreign countries. In particular, our faculty has established on the basis of a contract with leading higher education institutions abroad, including the Korean Republic Dankuk, yangin universities, the foundation for the development of the sport of Jahan taekwondo, as well as prospective cooperation with a number of higher education institutions of our Republic.
In order to attract highly qualified foreign professors and scientists to the educational process at our faculty, Professor Baek mung Jong bakalavriat of the Dankuk University of the Republic of Korea conducts lectures on the subject of “taekwondo theory and methodology” for students of the directions of Education.
Formation of a healthy lifestyle in our country, creation of conditions suitable to the modern requirements of the younger generation for regular physical education and sports, strengthening of confidence in their will, strength and opportunities in young people through sports competitions, perfection of courage and patriotism, feelings of loyalty to the motherland, as well as systematic organization of work on selection of talented athletes
In order for the students of our faculty to be regularly engaged and improve their sports skills, the sports complex of the university has been fully renovated on the basis of modern requirements, new sports facilities, open sports arenas have been created, more than 10 sports clubs are regularly engaged in Solo sports and sports games. As a result of this, successful participation of young students of the faculty in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the basis of their achievements in sports, while winning the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on the basis of Ulugbek Rashitov (taekwondo WT), Svetlana Osipova (taekwondo WT) Azizbek Abdulhabibov para canoe (rowing), Ziyoda Isakova and Zukhriddin Takhirov (rowing partaevondo WT), Farhad umirzakov and Nuriddin Davlatov (para powerlifting) were participants of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Today, the president of Uzbekistan M.While Mirziyoyev’s care for young people has made fruitful use of the conditions that the university leadership creates for the students to demonstrate their opportunities in full, our students raise their gratitude, the flag of the country in the international sports fields to the chest, express themselves as unequal among their peers, motivate the faculty and university teachers to pursue Great Goals with one In addition to the students-youth who have won 7 Tokyo-2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games tickets, 11 Jahan Champions, 13 Asian champions and more than 120 winners and winners of the championships of Uzbekistan and prestigious international sports competitions are studying at our faculty. Iqtidorli sportsman-winner of the state prize named after Zulfiya of 2 among our students, winner of the nomination “the most active athlete of the Year” contest in the Republican contest “student of the year 2020”, 1 winner of the contest “leader of innovative ideas”, another student was awarded the Latvian government scholarship “Business + Communication = New normal”, which will be held at Turiba University of Latvia.
The trainers of the athletes who raise the flag of our homeland, who make a worthy contribution to the formation of a healthy lifestyle in our society, the creation of conditions suitable to the modern requirements of the population, especially of the younger generation for regular physical education and mass sports, the implementation of large-scale work aimed at the further development of physical, among those who work diligently in the field of selection of talented athletes and improvement of the system of targeted training, professors and teachers, awarded with the Order of “friendship” and the badge of “excellence in physical education and sports”, are working.