Rustamova Ra’noxon Parpievna – Chairman of the Advisory Board on Women’s Affairs, Advisor to the Rector
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Saturday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 93 171-70-10
1. This regulation determines the procedure for the organization of the main tasks, functions, powers of the Council on Women’s Affairs (hereinafter – the Council) at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek on the basis of the work plan approved in accordance with this Regulation.
2. The Council is a socio-political supporter of women, their as well as Uzbekistan, which protects the rights and legitimate interests
3. Socio-political, reflected in the Constitution and Laws of the Republic on a community basis that promotes the implementation of guarantees is the operating Council
4. The composition of the council is formed by the decision of the meeting of the rector of the university, and changes in it are approved by the chairman of the meeting.The decisions of the Council are of a recommendatory nature.
5. The Council shall consider the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and laws of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Resolutions, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan normative acts of the Ministry, this Charter and other legislation.
6. The Council shall uphold the rule of law, collegiality, transparency, co-operation and respect, principles of equality, voluntariness and consideration of public opinion operates on the basis of.
7. Organizes joint work to ensure the effective implementation of state policy to support women, to protect their rights and legitimate interests, and to increase their role and activity in the socio-political life of the country;
– Strengthening the role of women in the workforce, in the field of state and public administration, assisting in the organization of targeted work on their socio-legal support and systematic monitoring of their views;
-timely identification of women’s problems, need for help and compiling address lists of women with severe social disadvantages, including women with disabilities; assists them in providing them with social, legal, psychological and material assistance, rehabilitation; assists in the preparation of proposals for the preparation of young people for family life, the legal and psychological basis for resolving family conflicts, the strengthening of families, the prevention of early marriages and family divorces, and the implementation of appropriate measures; exercise public control over the implementation of the legislation on guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men and develop appropriate proposals; monitors the implementation of legislation on the protection of women from oppression and violence, submits to the Ministry of recommendations on the identification of victims of violence, their rehabilitation, protection of their rights; participates in the development and implementation of regional programs in the field of protection of women from oppression and violence;
-Prepare students for family life, direct young families to social activity, widely promote the life activities and lifestyles of exemplary women engaged in socially useful work;
– Carries out public control over the observance of the principles of legality, social justice, transparency in the selection of candidates for the State Prize named after Zulfiya and the badge “Holy Woman”, holding various contests and sports competitions among women;
– protection of women’s rights in national and international law ensures the implementation of relevant documents, standards and requirements and participates directly;
– State awards to women employees who work effectively in the system make a recommendation.
8. In accordance with the tasks assigned to the Council, the following
fulfills its obligations:
– the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the present Provision appropriate implementation;
– Compliance with the requirements of the Law on Public Oversight
– to insult the honor and dignity of citizens, their privacy not to interfere in his life;
9. Other obligations of the Council provided by the legislation may have.
10. The Council shall have the following rights:
– showing activity and initiative in the life of society and the state, his own to strengthen the harmony and well-being of the family through productive work, Awarding with the breastplate “Respectful Woman” make proposals to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education; make proposals on issues within the competence of the University Council; exercise public control over the implementation of legislation on benefits for women, especially women in need and in difficult social situations, including women with disabilities; organization and holding of various contests and sports competitions among women in the educational institution in order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks assigned to it; to get acquainted with the housing and social conditions of women in educational institutions, especially women in need and in difficult social situations, including women with disabilities, with their consent; Cooperation with the media to cover issues discussed at the meetings of the Council; to organize seminars, roundtables and other events to carry out the assigned tasks, if necessary, to invite them responsible officials of state bodies and public organizations, as well as community activists.
11. The Council may have other rights in accordance with the legislation.
12. The Council is chaired by the Chairman of the Board in the prescribed manner.
13. The Chairman of the Council shall be elected by secret ballot by a third of the women is elected by a vote of two parts.
14. The composition of the Council is approved every 3 years and is formed in the composition of 10-21 members
15. Chairmen of the Council
– General management of the Council;
– convenes meetings of the Council and sets the agenda, chairs the meeting;
– approves work plans, minutes of the meeting and other documents of the Council, monitors the implementation of the decisions of the meeting;
16. Self-governing bodies of the Council citizens and other state cooperates with bodies and public organizations;
17. In the absence of the Chairman of the Council, his powers and The Deputy Chairman shall perform his duties.
18. Meetings of the Council are convened at least once a month on the basis of the work plan;
– On the initiative of the Chairman of the Council or on the written request of one third of the members of the Council to convene an extraordinary meeting.
19. Meetings of the Council with other state bodies, non-governmental non-profit. Representatives of organizations and civil society institutions, community activists may be invited.
20. Resolution of the meeting of the Council with a protocol formalized.
21. The Chairman of the Council as a member of the Academic Council of the higher education institution reports once a year.
22. The Chairman of the Council has the status of “Adviser on Women’s Affairs” of the Rector of the University.
23. Measures will be taken to provide financial incentives for the Chairman of the Council by allocating a separate room, providing computers, telephones, Internet and other equipment, as well as setting additional bonuses in accordance with the established procedure.
24. Logistical support of the Council’s activities is carried out at the expense of funds specified in the legislation.
25. The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education supervises the activities of the Council in accordance with its charter and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.