M.Sh. Raximov – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-82-67
e-mail: rusoha@mail.ru
Since September 2015, Ds.b docent. M.Sh. Rakhimov has been working as the head of the department.
The Department of Zoology is located on the 3rd floor of the Faculty of Biology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
The Department of Zoology was originally divided into two departments – the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and the Department of Vertebrate Zoology. The Department of Zoology was established in 2005 by the merger of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology (SCI) and the Department of Vertebrate Zoology. From the time of establishment of the department until 2010 prof. IK Kadyrov was in charge. In 2010, the Department of Zoology was renamed the Department of Zoology and Ichthyology. From 2010 to November 2015, the department was headed by Ph.D. GA Abdurahmanova. Since September 2015, Associate Professor M.Sh. Rakhimov has been working as the head of the department.
The Department of Invertebrate Zoology was founded in 1920 at the initiative of A.L. Brodsky. From 1920 to 1941 the department was headed by A.L. Brodsky. A.L. Brodsky in 1920 participated in the study of the fauna of the Syrdarya and Aral Sea, the Southern Tien Shan and created several works. Among them are “Корненожки Иссик кулья”, “Методы анализа почвенных простейших”, “Микрофауна хлопковых полей Узбекистана”, “Protozoa почвы и их роль в почвенных процессах”, “Корненожки Средней Азии” and others.
From 1941 to 1986 the department was headed by Ds.b prof. Headed by AT Tulaganov. AT Tulaganov is a scientist who founded the School of Phytohelminthology in Uzbekistan, has created more than 100 scientific works and more than 15 monographs. Including «Растениеядные и почвенные нематоды Узбекистана» Tashkent, 1949; «Нематоды растений и почв Узбекистана» Tashkent, 1972. «Фитонематоды Узбекистана» Tashkent, 1975. Volume 1., 1978. Volume 2. The scientist is a full correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, winner of the Beruni State Prize.
In 1986-1997 the department was headed by PhD prof. Z.N Norboev headed. The scientist has prepared 2 textbooks, more than 10 teaching aids. “Practical training in invertebrate zoology” (Tashkent, 1991) is one of them
The department of vertebrate zoology was founded in 1920 by prof. D.N Kashkarov. D.N Kashkarov study fauna of Central Asia, and crated textbook of vertebrate ecology; «Птицы Узбекистана» 1987. Том 1., 1990 Том 2.
From 1935 to 1981 the department of vertebrate zoology was headed by zoologist-ecologist TZ Zoxidov. The scientist was an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, winner of the Beruni State Prize, Honored Scientist. He has created many scientific works. Including «Природа и животный мир Средней Азии» 1969. Том 1, 1971. Том 2., «Биоценозы пустыни Кызылкум» 1971., Энциклопедия ўзбек тилида «Сут эмизувчилар» 1960. Том 1., «Судралиб юрувчилар» 1969. Том 2., «Балиқлар» 1979. Том 3., «Қушлар»1987. Том 1., «Зоология энциклопедияси» 1979
In 1981-2005, the department was headed by Ds. Prof. I.K Kodirov. IK Kadyrov published textbooks for students in Uzbek “Histology”, “Human Anatomy”, first in Cyrillic and then in Latin. In particular, “Human Anatomy”. Toshkent.Chinor 2003.
1998-2005 йилларда кафедрага б.ф.н. доц. Б.А. Мўминов рахбарлик қилган. Улар бир қанча китоблар яратган “Биологик хилма-хиллик: атама ва таърифлар” (қисқача луғат ўзбек ва рус тилларида) (Тошкент, 2002); Умуртқасизлар зоологиясидан амалий машғулотлар.Ў/қ. Тошкент, 2005.
In 2010, the Department of Zoology was renamed the Department of Zoology and Ichthyology. From 2010 to November 2015, the department was headed by Ph.D. GA Abdurahmanova.
Subjects taught at the department in a separate view for bachelors and masters
№ | subjects | Information of subjects |
Master | ||
1 | ZOOGEOGRAPHY 5А140108-Zoology 5А140103- Ichthyology and hydrobiology | The science of zoogeography allows us to study the species composition and other characteristics of the fauna in each region of the fauna, which are important in nature and human life, by studying the geographical distribution of fauna on earth and the general laws of this distribution. |
2 | MOLECULAR ZOOLOGY 5А140108-Zoology 5А140103-Ichthyology and hydrobiology | Applied molecular zoology is a new branch of zoology that opens up great possibilities for studying the evolution of the animal kingdom. It has led to a whole revolution that requires a reconsideration of the kinship relationships between previously studied species. It should be noted that molecular genetics deepened the understanding of the evolution of organisms and the mechanisms of heredity, and eventually laid the foundations for molecular systematics and phylogenetics. |
3 | ENTOMOLOGY 5А140108-Zoology | There are no organism on earth that are equal to insects in terms of number, distribution, adaptation to conditions, and rapid reproduction. Therefore, insects are of great importance in nature and in human life. Insects are very important in pollinating flowering plants, breaking down the remains of plant and animal organisms, damaging cultivated plants, spreading infectious diseases, and damaging materials, clothing, utensils, and buildings. The science of entomology provides the initial knowledge in the comprehensive study of insects |
4 | GENERAL PARASITOLOGY 5А140108-Zoology | Knowledge of parasites, parasitic organisms and their origin, parasite-host relationships, adaptation of parasites to life, understanding of parasites’ life cycles play an important role in the fight against parasitic diseases. |
5 | FISH DISEASES 5А140101 – Biology (Zoology, Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) | The main task of the science is to teach students infectious diseases and pathogens of fish, symptoms, clinic, diagnosis, epizootology; directions of fight against fish diseases – preventive and curative measures; alimentary diseases of fish and their causes; the scientific basis of the fight against fish diseases; teaching the importance of fish diseases in agriculture and fisheries on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies. |
6 | ICHTIOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS 5А140101 – Biology (Zoology, Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) | “Ихтиологик тадқиқот услублари” фанини ўқитишдан асосий мақсад балиқларнинг биохилма-хиллигини ўрганиш, балиқ ўстириш ва кўпайтириш, ҳамда кўллар ва сув омборларининг ўзига хос биологик қонунларини ихтиологик жиҳатдан ўргатишдан иборат. Ушбу фанни асосий вазифалари сув омборлари ва кўлларга физик ва географик характеристикасини (майдони, ҳажми, гидрокимёвий ва гидролик шароитлари, географик жойлашишларини) ўрганишдан иборат |
7 | BIODIVERSITY 5А140101 – Biology (Zoology, Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) | The concept of biodiversity or biological diversity that are the diversity of species. the diversity of all animals and plants, including fungi and microorganisms; genetic diversity – the diversity of genetic material within a species; ecosystem diversity – diversity of ecosystems (e.g., forests, mountains, steppes or savannas, deserts, etc.). |
8 | GENERAL HYDROBIOLOGY 5А140101 – Biology (Zoology, Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) | The main objectives of this science are to assess the ecology of water bodies of Uzbekistan, taking into account the biology of hydrobionts, ie phyto- and zooplankton, benthos, seasonal development, and the widespread use of hydrobiological equipment and technical means. It teaches that aquatic organisms play a huge and diverse role in human life, and that biological resources in the world’s oceans, seas, rivers and inland waters play an important role in human nutrition. |
9 | ORNITOLOGY 5А140101 – 5А140101 – Biology (Zoology, Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) | The main tasks of this discipline are to teach students the problems of structure, physiology, bioenergetics, modern interpretation of migration, spatial orientation, territorial conservatism, behavior. The role of birds in the ecosystem pays special attention to the comparative problems of ornithology, important problems such as human modification of ornithofauna, adaptation (adaptability) of birds. During the course, the national achievements of Central Asian ornithology will be widely used, and master’s students will be provided with new information about the importance of modern pedagogical technologies in agriculture and the national economy. |
10 | ECOLOGY OF POPULATION 5А140101 – 5А140101 – Biology (Zoology, Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) | The purpose of the subject “Ecology of populations” is to teach students the formation of biological and ecological concepts, the mechanisms of adaptation of organisms to living conditions, the laws of interaction of species in populations |
Bachelor | ||
11 | PROTOSOLOGY 5А140101 – Biology | This subject give informations which Morphology, biology, ecology, ethology, phylogeny and systematics of uncellular animals; diversity ofuncellular animals; their way of reproduction; different nebulae of growth and development; morphological, anatomical, physiological, and environmental problems. |
12 | ECOLOGY OF INSECTS 5А140101 – Biology | Insect lifestyles are mainly related to their body size and adaptability to flight, the effect of abiotic factors on insects, the impact of biological rhythms, ecology of populations (quantitative dynamics, mathematical modeling of quantitative vibrations of insects), the role of insects in ecosystems, ecological evolution of insects, plants and others covering the ecological criteria of doing. this subject studies above |
13 | HISTOLOGY AND EMBRIOLOGY 5A140101 – Biology | Tissue study, history, main sections; interaction with other disciplines; the main component of the organism is the cell, the microscopic and ultramicroscopic structure of tissues, the main stages of individual development of organisms are: gametogenesis; fertilization and fertilization; rupture and formation of blastula; onset of gastrulation, neuration, and organogenesis; and the emergence of primary (pharmacist) members; determination and inductive processes, their embryonic control; mechanisms of cell stratification; cell interactions; Regeneration and somatic embryogenesis is one of the important tasks in the process of training a well-rounded specialist, as well as the application of modern and ecological methods in the study of ontogenetic cycles |
14 | ZOOLOGY 5140100 – Biology | The subject goals are Animal morphology, biology, ecology, ethology, phylogeny, systematics and zoogeography; diversity of fauna; methods of animal reproduction; different nebulae of growth and development; to educate them on morphological, anatomical, physiological and ecological problems. To do this, the following tasks are performed: to teach students the basic tasks and laws of zoology; animal morphology, biology, ecology, ethology, phylogeny, systematics and zoogeography; diversity of fauna; methods of animal reproduction; different nebulae of growth and development; they are introduced to morphological, anatomical, physiological and ecological problems on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies |
15 | HUMAN ANATOMY 5140100 – Biology | The subject gooals are the study of the theoretical foundations of human anatomy, the basic concepts, the structure and development of the human body, the phylogeny of the system, the interconnected functions of its organs and systems |
About researchers and scientific work: The department conducts research on “Biodiversity and conservation of wildlife in Uzbekistan.”
№ | Researcher | Academic degree, title | The topics of the dissertation |
1 | Rakhimov Matnazar Shomurotovich | Ds Docent | Fauna, distribution and ecology of the Collembola family in Northeastern Uzbekistan |
2 | Eshova Kholisa Saidovna | Ds Docent | Nematodes in the desert areas of Uzbekistan and ways to adapt to their habitat |
3 | Kholboev Fakhriddin Rahmonkulovich | Ds Docent | Fauna, population and ecology of birds in the cities of the Kyzylkum region |
4 | Muminov Boqijon Alimovich | PhD Docent | Research of the morpho-physiology of chemoreceptors and sexual behavior of the cotton bollworm Heliothis armigera Hbn |
5 | Abdurakhmonova Gulnora Abdurakhmonovna | PhD Docent | Phytonematodes of cotton-alfalfa agrocenoses and the importance of agrotechnical factors in the formation of their communities |
6 | Sadykova Sayora Atabaevna | PhD Docent | Study of the effect of xenobiotics (dropp, butylcapstax) on some organs of the endocrine and immune systems of rats |
7 | Kuchqorov Abdivohid Hakimovich | PhD Docent | Dominance of the species of Myrid-bugs in the Tashkent oasis and their role in biocenotic processes |
8 | Boltabaev Adamboy Sadullaevich | PhD senior teacher | Bed bugs – Myrids (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) of the south of Pre-Oral sea |
9 | Elmuratova Zulxumor Urazovna | PhD teacher | Fauna and ecology of collembolas of soils of Southern Uzbekistan |
Information on local and foreign partners:
1. Department of the Institute of Zoology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
2. Research center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, stations, farms and centers of livestock, poultry, fishing.
3. Society for the Protection of Birds of Uzbekistan;
4. the Institute of Fisheries under the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations Concluded relations and agreements with
The structure of the department
№ | Name of teachers | |
1 | The head of the department: docent Rakhimov Matnazar Shomurotovich | m.raximov@nuu.uz |
2 | docent. Muminov Boqijon Alimovich | b.muminov@nuu.uz |
3 | docent. Abdurakhmonova Gulnora Abdurakhmonovna | g.abdurahmonova@nuu.uz |
4 | docent. Sadikova Sayyora Atabaevna | s.sadiqova@nuu.uz |
5 | Docent Eshova Kholisa Saidovna | x.eshova@nuu.uz |
6 | docent. Kholboev Fakhriddin Rakhmonqulovich | fakhriddinh @ mail.ru |
7 | senior teacher Kuchkarov Abdivohid Hakimovich | a.quchqorov@nuu.uz |
8 | senior teacher Rakhmanova Laylo Abdurahmanovna | l.rahmonova@nuu.uz |
9 | senior teacher Ataxodjaev Alisher Abdulatifovich | a.atahodjaev@nuu.uz |
10 | teacher Boltabaev Adamboy Sadullaevich | a.boltaboev@nuu.uz |
11 | teacher Ibragimov Kahramon Saparbaevich | q.ibragimov@nuu.uz |
12 | teacher Elmuratova Zulhumor Urazovna | Pchd91@ mail.ru |
13 | teacher Majidova Dilfuza Zubaydullaevna | Majidova.dilfuza@mail.ru |
The department has a museum of zoology, ornithological collection and student club “Fazianus”.
Museum exposition and scientific fund
The exposition consists of vertebrates and invertebrates.
There are 180 chuchelas of 19 species and 98 species of birds;
There are 30 mammals belonging to 10 genera. 15 pairs of horns of ungulates are preserved.
Wet preparations of fish, amphibians and reptiles are stored in 230 glass cylinders.
The Invertebrate Fund houses exhibits of many invertebrates found on Earth. Most invertebrates are kept in glass cylinders as a wet preparation. The collection of insects is stored in special cabinets (shown in the appendix).
The ornithological collection is kept closed in special cabinets in the museum’s storage department (in the appendix).
Museum cooperation
The Museum of Zoology is a close partner of other zoological museums, including the Museum of Nature, which exchanges exhibits. In addition, in the framework of cooperation between the Department of Zoology and academic lyceums, lyceum students visit the museum under the guidance of teachers.
Events and visitors to the museum
The museum regularly organizes excursions for students of the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Professors of the National University of Uzbekistan, faculty guests, students of academic lyceums and professional colleges. The museum is regularly visited by foreign guests. All visitors write their thoughts about the museum in the museum journal.
Museum address
The Museum of Zoology is located on the 3rd floor, room 301 of the Faculty of Biology of the National University of Uzbekistan, and the scientific collection is located on the 4th floor, room 426.