Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Department of Archaeology

Ochildiev Fayzulla – Head of department

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

+998 33 088-82-84


The subjects taught at the department are in a separate form for bachelors and masters

Subjects (bachelor)Brief information about subjects
 Introduction to ArcheologyHistory of development of archeology, subject, tasks, formation and stages of development of archeological science in Uzbekistan, branch sciences of archeology, archeology and natural sciences, technological discoveries in archeology, the world’s largest archeological research centers, archeological monuments and their importance in studying history information on issues such as general concepts about the evolution of culture.
 Digital archeologyHave a general understanding of modern technologies and their application in the research process, their advantages and opportunities.
 Geographic information systems in archeology, anthropology and ethnologyTo inform students about the application of GAT in geographical information systems, archeology, anthropology and ethnology, the development of research methods and strategies, storage and processing of data obtained as a result of research.
 Archaeological field research methods and processing of findingstheoretical and practical issues of science in students, as well as types of archaeological sources. The role and importance of archeological sources in the coverage of ancient history. Types of archeological monuments. It consists of the study of settlements, religious complexes, and industrial-related buildings and complexes.
 Archeology of Central AsiaThe study of the Stone Age economy of Central Asia, material culture, the formation of productive economy, the development of paleometallic irrigation agriculture, the characteristics of local cultures of Central Asia, the formation of early urbanization, the development of specialized production, ideological and religious views, material and spiritual culture.
 World ArcheologyThe student will gain knowledge and skills about the monuments and cultures of the Stone and Paleometal period of Africa, the CIS, South and Southeast Asia, the Far East, the Near and Middle East, and Europe.
Subjects (master)Brief information about subjects
1Research methodology To develop students’ self-awareness and right thinking skills in the process of scientific activity, to teach them to adhere to the unity of theory and practice in creating a research program
2History of the formation and development of civil society institutions in UzbekistanComprehensive coverage of the history of the formation and development of civil society institutions in Uzbekistan.
3Principles of innovative development of the history of UzbekistanClassification of disciplines, effective use of methods, selection of topics for research programs, selection of materials, study of the content of literature aimed at improving their scientific level and the formation of skills to apply knowledge in practice
  1. About researchers and scientific work
The research professor’s full nameAcademic degree, titleThe topic of the dissertation
 Ochildiev Fayzulla BobokulovichHead of department“In southern Uzbekistan socio-economic life (On the example of Surkhan oasis) ”
 Sagdullaev Anotoliy Sagdullaevich.professor“Osedlye oblasti yuga Sredney Azii v epochu rannego jeleza (genesis kultury i sotsialno-ekonomicheskaya dynamik)”
 Sulaymonov Rustam Hamidovichprofessor“Ancient culture of Yujnogo Sogda”
 Aminov Bobur BobomurodovichDocent“Epigraphic monuments of South Uzbekistan as a historical source”
 Shonazarov Shuhrat BurievichHead teacher“Medieval burial mounds of Karshi oasis”
 Annaev Jaloliddin TukhtashevichTeacher“Culture of Tarmita-Termez Buddhist Centers”
 Shaydullaev Alisher Shopulatovichteacher“Glyptics and sphragistics of ceramic culture”
 Parmonov Shokir Eshboevichteacher“Medieval archeological monuments of the Kesh oasis”
 Nazarov Khumoyun Alisherovichteacher“History of the study of Kushan culture (based on archeological materials of Northern Bactria)”
 Tolibov Nurbek Abdigapporovichteacher“History of the development of geography in Uzbekistan” (1925-1991) ”
 Muhammedov Yakubjon Kadyrovichteacher“Administration of the Western Turkic Khanate in the Chach oasis”
 Mavlonov Uktam Mahmasobirovichprofessor“Formation of ancient roads in Central Asia”
 Dosmurodov Obidjon ShomirzaevichTeacher“Middle Zarafshan oasis as a historical and cultural region (on the example of Pakhtachi district)” (Approved)
 Kuyliev Ravshan MakhmanazarovichTeacher“Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Sites” (Approved)

Information on local and foreign partners

Teacher of the Department of Archeology of the National University of Uzbekistan Annaev J.T. In the 2016-2017 academic year, he participated as a member of the Uzbek-Chinese international expedition. He is involved in archeological research at the Talitogora monument in Termez district of Surkhandarya region.

The structure of the department

 Ochildiev Fayzulla BobokulovichHead of department
 Sagdullaev Anotoliy Sagdullaevich.Professor
 Sulaymonov Rustam HamidovichProfessor
 Shonazarov Shuhrat BurievichHead teacher
 Annaev Jaloliddin TukhtashevichTeacher
 Shaydullaev Alisher ShopulatovichTeacher
 Parmonov Shokir EshboevichTeacher
 Nazarov Khumoyun AlisherovichTeacher
 Muminov Otabek UktamovichHead teacher
 Muhammedov Yakubjon KadyrovichTeacher
 Mavlonov Uktam MahmasobirovichProfessor
 Dosmurodov Obidjon ShomirzaevichTeacher
 Kuyliev Ravshan MakhmanazarovichTeacher
 Polvonov Hikmatjon AkhmatjonovichTeacher
 Sagdullaev Anotoliy Sagdullaevich.Professor
 Sulaymonov Rustam HamidovichProfessor
 Shonazarov Shuhrat BurievichHead teacher
 Annaev Jaloliddin TukhtashevichTeacher