Eshonqulov G’ofur Boboqulovich – Dean of the faculty 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Sultonov Odiljon Ziyomiddinovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Xaqqulov Jaxongir Mardonovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9
The Faculty of Physics named after P. Habibulaev was organized in 1959 on the base of faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
The Faculty of Physics prepares qualified bachelors and masters in Physics and Astronomy degree. Nowadays 4 member of Academy of Science Republic of Uzbekistan, 19 professors and more than 30 associate professors are involved inthe teaching process at the Faculty. Currently 425 bachelor students in 2 fields of study and 97 master students in 7 fields of study are educated on the Faculty. The Faculty of Physics also offers postgraduate and post doctorate training, where currently more than 15 postgraduate students and postdoctoraes are preparing their PhD and DSc research works.
The department of General Physics: The department was established in 2005 by combining 2 departments interfaculty department of general physics and the department of the teaching methodology and the history of physics. The department teaches general courses of physics for different faculties and prepares bachelors on physics
The Department of theoretical physics: The department of theoretical physics was established in 1965. This department prepares bachelor degree and master degree student in different areas of theoretical physics.
The department of nuclear physics: The department of nuclear physics was established in 1994 by combining the department of nuclear physics and space rays and the department of radiation physics. The department prepares bachelors of physics and masters in the specialization the physics of nuclear core and elementary particles, technology of accelerators.
The department of photonics: The department of photonics was established in 2005 by combining the department of radio physics and department of optics (in 2005 2016 department of optics and laser physics).It prepares bachelors on physics and masters in the specialization “The optics and radio physics”.
The department of semiconductors and polymers: The department of semiconductors and polymers was established in 1970.In the prepares bachelors on physics and masters in the 2 specializations: the photovoltaic and the condensed matter physics and material science.
The department of astronomy and physics of atmosphere: The department of astronomy and physics of atmosphere was established in 1981. The department prepares bachelors on Astronomy and masters in the specialization “Astronomy and in the specializations meteorology, agro meteorology and climatology”.
The team of the Faculty of Physics has for many years been actively involved in the implementation of scientific research, making tangible contributions to the development of modern science and technology. Currently, the Faculty executes 10 fundamental (2017-2020) and 3 applied (2018-2020) projects, as well as 2 projects of young scientists (2018-2019). In order to increase the efficiency of scientific research, research activities are carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the AS RUz, the Physico-Technical Institute of the Physicist-Solar of AS RUz, the Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics of FS RUz, the Institute of Astronomy of AS RUz, and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Tashkent State Technical University, Hydromet Center, Committee of Uzgosgeology, etc.
The leading scientists of the faculty are members of the Scientific Councils for the protection of dissertational works DSc / 27.06.2017 / FM / T.33.01 at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of AS RUz, DSc / 27.06.2017 / FM / T.34.01 at the Physico-Technical Institute the Physicist-Solar of AS RUz, DSc / 27.06.2017 / FM / T.36.01 at the Institute of Chemistry and Physics of Polymers of FS RUz, Also, the scientific team of the faculty conducts scientific seminars as the leading organization for defending doctoral dissertations.
Highly qualified personnel and young scientists are trained for the faculty and other higher educational institutions, as well as for the scientific institutions of the republic. At present, scientists and professors of the faculty are scientific supervisors and consultants of more than 15 doctoral students, basic doctoral students and independent researchers. Along with this, the faculty carries out purposeful work with gifted students. To date, the organization of facultative classes in the in-depth program of subjects of specialties and foreign languages has been organized by the leading scientists – faculty and university professors for 30 gifted bachelor`s degree students.
Every month in the faculty and in the hostel there are interesting conversations with celebrities, scientists, poets and doctors.
In order to strengthen the historical memory, we study the spiritual heritage of our ancestors and with this in a number we acquaint them with contemporaries and teach them the desire to get an example from them and to be like them.
It has become a tradition to conduct different competitions among students “Kuvnoklar va zukolar” (220 volt team), “Zakovat”, different circles and between the departments the “Esse” contest.
Every year Navruz is celebrated at the faculty. Also, a committee of women and girls holds an event dedicated to the traditions and education of girls.
Under the slogan “Mehr kuzda” students goto visit retired teachers caring about their state of health.
Professors and teaching stuff of the faculty of physics fruitfully cooperates with universities and scientific institution of foreign countries such as Germany (The technical university Kaiserslautern), Slovenia (The University of Ljubljana), St. Petersburg (The University of Loffe), Korea (Chungnam National University) and many others.
With the aim of integration in international scientific community close cooperation with the number of the leading universities of foreign countries (Russia, the Ukraine, Germany, Korea, China) and international founds and organizations (European Commission, UNESCO ect.) was established The Faculty also actively collaborates scientific research institutes of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan. On base of these institutes there were established 5 department branches and educational centers where bachelors and masters have practical lessons, qualification practice and scientific activity.
The faculty has all the necessary conditions for conducting classes using modern information multi-media technologies. Classrooms are equipped with multimedia and computer equipment. There are necessary training and teaching materials for the classes. The library Fund consists of 125,000 books and scientific magazines. There is a reading room and resource center with provides access to international databases of scientific periodicals such as Scopus and Web of Science.
At the faculty of physics at the initiative of the granholder a number of international grants (TACIS-TEMPUS, open society Institute, NATO scientific Committee, ERASMUS +) associate professor A. Karimkhodjaev organized Open learning resource centre
The list of education system and specialties:
Bachelor studies
- 5140200 Physics
- 5140400 Astronomy
Master studies
- 5А140201 Theoretical physics
- 5А140202 Physics (Optics, Radio physics, Laser Physics)
- 5А140203 Heliophysics and the use of solar energy (photovoltaic)
- 5А140204 Condensed matter physics and materials science
- 5А140205 Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, accelerating technology
- 5А140401Astronomy
- 5A140701-Meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology (forecast and influence)
Postgraduate (PhD) and Postdoc (DSc):
- 01.03.01 Astronomy
- 01.04.02 Theoretical physics
- 01.04.04 Physical electronics
- 01.04.05 Optics
- 01.04.06 Physics of polymers
- 01.04.07 Condensed matter physics
- 01.04.08 -Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, accelerating technology
- 01.04.10 Physics of Semiconductors
- 01.04.11 Laser Physics
- 13.00.02 Methods and theory of education
- 13.00.07 – Methods and theory of e-learning