Musaxanov Mirzayusuf – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 98 126-80-33
e-mail: musakhanov@umail.uz
The Department of Theoretical Physics of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek was found in 1935. Several professors have been the head of the department: Prof. A.E.Levashov in 1935-1941, academician (acad.) of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (ASUz.), Prof. S.U. Umarov in 1941-1957, Prof. G.M. Avakianz in 1957-1965. Prof. A. Teshabaev in 1965-1967, Prof. R. H. Mallin in 1967-1972, acad. of ASUz., Prof. M.M.Musakhanov in 1972-2005.
In 2005-2016, the department was jointed together with some other departments into Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics. However, since 2016 to present, it is again separated into the Department of Theoretical Physics and from May of 2017 acad. of ASUz., Prof. M.M.Musakhanov is the head of department
Prof. M.M.Musakhanov introduced in the department scientific research subjects, except the Physics of Semiconductors the new ones, as the High Energy Physics, the Physics Of Elementary Particles, Theory of Scattering of Atoms and Nuclei, as well as the Interaction of Radiation with a Matter. He initiated teaching in the department the novel special courses on theoretical physics such as Quantum Chromodynamics, Elementary Particles, and Theory of Quantum Gauge Fields. The department installed the tight collaboration with scientists of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna), which allowed to increase the qualification of our young researchers and students in this centre. Many leading professors from other countries are invited for teaching lectures in the department, which also leads to good qualification of our students. Some of our students are working now in various scientific centres in the world. The good reputation of our department is known not only in our country but also in the world.
The department research subjects connected with investigations in the Low Energy Quantum Chromodynamics, including the quark structure of adrons, in the Theory of Quantum Gauge Fields (acad. M.M.Musakhanov, Prof. B.A. Fayzullaev, Prof. G.Karimkhodjaev), in nonlinear wave processes in Bose-Einstein Condensates (Prof. A.A. Abdumalikov, Prof. A.S.Rahmatov, Kh.N.Ismatullaev). The department professors are also actively working in the field of interaction of laser radiation with atoms and molecules and multi-photon processes in them (Dr. P.E. Pyak) and in the theory of quantum strongly correlated systems such as a high temperature superconductivity and ultracold atomic gases (acad. M.M.Musakhanov and Ass. Prof. B. Abdullaev).The department actively participates in the high school education in Uzbekistan on theoretical physics. The department professors (the head of group – Prof. A.A. Abdumalikov) published the course on the theoretical physics for university students, which includes four texbooks. These textbooks are: B.A. Fayzullayev Nazariy mexanika, А.А.Аbdumalikov “Elektrodinamika”,(Electrodynamics),(M.M.Musaxаnov, A.S.Rahmatov (Kvant mexanikasi”,(Quantum mechanics) А.А.Аbdumalikov R.Mamatqulov “Termodinamika va stastistik fizika”(Thermodynamics and statistical physics). Besides this course, there were published the textbook “Мatematic fizika metodlari”(Methods of mathematical physics) by B.A.Fayzullayev and A.S.Rahmatov in 2015 and Nazariy fizikaning matematic usullari by B.A.Fayzullayev.
The application of an Information Technology in the university education is another field of the department professors activity (Ass. Prof. A. Karimkhodzhaev). Using 12 international grants (825000 EUR and 240.000 US Dollars), which were, in particular, supported by TEMPUS Program (EuroUnion) and UNESCO, for new computer and other equipments, Uzbek team of these projects has been succeeded to install the computer net not only in the entire student town (Vuzgorodok), but also in the medical student town Medgorodok.
On the base of the Department of Theoretical Physics, the UNESCO Department Of Astronomy and Physics was organized, which is still active (M.M.Musakhanov and K.Nakamura). The department participated in the organization of the faculty open education-informational centre, which consists of 120 personal computers and modern server.
The department of physics: research and educational activities have been recognized in the republic and outside of country. Students of our department, Abdurauf Аbdumalikov in 1997 and Zhasur Abdullaev in 2005, have been awarded by the Republic President Fellowship. The former students U. Yakhshiev and V. Morozova are professors of INHA (South Korea) and Prinston (the USA) Universities, respectively, while E.B. Abdukamalov is researcher in the Nazarbaev University (Astana, Kazakhstan).
The department bachelor and master degree students are actively involving in the research projects. For example, Prof. B.J. Akhmedov and Dr. of Science A.A. Abduzhabbarov are intensively working with these students in the field of relativistic astrophysics, gravitation and cosmology. The department has a collaboration with universities and centres from other countries. In particular, the scientific investigation is performing together with professors from the Asian Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics and INHA University from South Korea, from the Institute Of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Two projects are carried out according to the Europe Erasmus+ program.
Bachelor‘s degree disciplines:
- Physics
- Theoretical Mechanics
- Electrodynamics
- Mathematical Methods of Physics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
- Basics of Theoretical Physics (Theoretical Mechanics)
- Basics of Theoretical Physics (Electrodynamics)
- Basics of Theoretical Physics (Quantum Mechanics)
- Basics of Theoretical Physics (Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics)
- Field Theory
Discipline of a master‘s degree:
- Quantum Field Theory
- Theory of Gravitation
- Computer modelling of problems of Theoretical Physics
- Standart Model of elementar particles
- Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics
- Nonlinear ossilations and waves
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- Solid State Theory
- Quantum Statistical Physics
Head of the department: