Babashev Farkhad Aytmuratovich – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
71 246-67-35
Department of “Pedagogy” of the Faculty of Social Sciences operates as the main unit that coordinates the educational process to ensure that it meets specific requirements.
The department is responsible for teaching the subjects “General Pedagogy”, “General Pedagogy”, methodological support of the module “Methods of teaching science”, participation in ensuring the quality of pedagogical practice, the introduction of advanced pedagogical and information technologies in the educational process.
The history of the department is associated with the name of the leader of the Central Asian Jadid movement, the creator of the Uzbek national press and the new school of the twentieth century, one of the organizers of the new national theater, writer, poet, coach, editor, enlightener, public figure Munavvar Qori Abdurashidkhon oglu.
Abdulla Avloni, Associate Professor Yusuf Tokhiri, Associate Professor Nikolai Porfirevich Arkhangelsky (1960-1964), Professor Yusuf Umarov (1964-1971), Professor Rakhimjon Usmanov (1971-1985), Associate Professor Leonid Petrovich Jdarkin (1985-1991) have been working at the department for many years. Yodgorov Rakhmonjon Yodgorovich (1991-1992), Professor Naim Rakhimovich Gaybullaev (1992-2004), Professor Nurali Saidakhmedov (2004-2006), Professor Kadyrov Botir Rakhmonkulovich (2006-2008), Associate Professor Majidov Nabi (2008-2014), Associate Professor Dalimova Nilufar Meliboevna (2014-2016), Associate Professor Mavlonov Mamadjon Mustafoevich (2016-2018).
During these years, professors and teachers of the department have been actively involved in all the spiritual and educational life of the republic and have made a worthy contribution. Under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.Gaybullaev, the department created a unique scientific school on the specialty 13.00.01-pedagogical theory and history, more than 20 of its students received the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
Since 2018, the National Council of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent State Pedagogical University has established a scientific council DSc.28.12.2017.Ped.01.09. This created an opportunity to train scientific and pedagogical staff in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methods of education and training (natural and exact sciences). Today, members of the department are actively involved in the activities of this scientific council (A.Askarov-secretary of the scientific council, Sh.Abdullaeva-member of the scientific council, D.Mahmudova-member of the scientific seminar).
In addition, members of the department DSc.27.06.2017.Ped.26.01 under the Tashkent State Pedagogical University, DSc.30.05.2018 under the Institute of retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of the public education system named after A.Avloni. Ped.69.01 Scientific Councils are also active in the activities of the Scientific and Technical Council on “Philology, Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences” under the Ministry of Innovation Development.
The department also cooperates with the project “National seminar on the assessment of ICT competencies of teachers”, implemented by the department in cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan.
Today, the department is implementing a practical research project P3-20170929789 for 2018-2020 on “Development of mechanisms to improve the use of advanced pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions in Uzbekistan.”
– In 2018, the project organized the Republican scientific-practical conference “Introduction of advanced pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions: practice and prospects”;
– The educational-methodical complex of the subject “General Pedagogy” was developed with instructions on the use of pedagogical technologies in the field of topics and introduced into the educational process;
– An information resource platform on the subject “General Pedagogy” was developed and put into operation (pedagogika.masofa.uz).
– Together with partner organizations of the project organized a training for professors and teachers of the Faculty of Social Sciences on “Advanced pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process.
Subjects taught at the department, for baccalaureate
№ | Discipline | Brief information about the discipline |
1 | General pedagogics | to teach students the theoretical and practical foundations of the pedagogical process, the targeted application of pedagogical ideas in practice and acquaintance with innovative pedagogical processes, the formation of professional and pedagogical competence, the solution of problems in the pedagogical process. |
2 | General psychology | formation of general psychological knowledge in students, teaching them to solve problems such as personality development and factors influencing it, individual psychological characteristics of the individual, the theoretical foundations of psychology of youth |
3 | Social pedagogics | To provide students with social pedagogical knowledge, to form pedagogical knowledge about the changes in the processes of the individual in the group, to analyze the essence of social pedagogical events, situations and processes in society, to analyze the development of the individual and the social factors influencing it; consists of teaching. |
4 | Social psychology | To provide students with social psychological knowledge, the formation of psychological knowledge about the changes in reality and events in society, individual processes in relation to the group, to analyze the nature of social psychological phenomena, situations and processes in society, the development of the individual and social factors. individual psychological features of the person in the process of communication, training to analyze their emotional states. |
5 | General and social psychology | Formation of general and social psychological knowledge in students, the formation of psychological knowledge of reality and social events, personal processes and. |
6 | General psychology and pedagogics | formation of general pedagogical and general psychological knowledge in students, acquaintance with innovative pedagogical processes, formation of professional and pedagogical competence , teaching to solve problems of success in the pedagogical process. |
Researchers and dissertations
№ | Researcher and faculty member | Academic degree and title | Dissertation thesis |
1 | Axrarova Zebuniso Bakhramovna | Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences | “Жадид педагогикасининг илмий-назарий асослари ва замонавий-дидактик мазмуни” |
2 | Sadikova Shoira Odeljanovna | Senior Lecturer | “Университет талабаларини педагогик фаолиятга тайёрлаш механизмларини такомиллаштириш” |
3 | Khudaynazarov Tursunali Alinazarovich | Senior Lecturer | “Рағбатлантириш ва жазолаш феноменлари, талабаларнинг ўқув фаолияти самарадорлигини таъминлашнинг психологик омили” |
4 | Sattarov Timur Sabirovich | Lecturer | “Ценностно- смысловые детерминанты участие молодежи в деятельности политических организаций” |
5 | Nigmatova Shoxsanam Nabi qizi | Lecturer | “Психологик консультация жараёнида ўзини-ўзи англаш квалиметрияси” |
Information on foreign partners
Information about foreign lecturers invited to teach at the department
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Krolevetskaya Elena Nikolaevna graduated from Belgorod State University of Russia in 2002 with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 2003-2006 he graduated from the full-time postgraduate course at the Department of Pedagogy. In November 2006, he defended his candidacy. 13.00.08 – Theory and methods of vocational education. The head is the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor I.F.Isaeva.
E.N. Krolevetskaya conducts independent lectures and seminars on “Introduction to the profession”, “Class teacher”, “Learning practice”, “Pedagogy of continuing education”, “Modern educational technology”.
E.N. Krolevetskaya published 111 scientific papers. Of these, 2 teaching aids, 3 monographs, 14 textbooks, 1 electronic textbook, 94 articles, conference theses, 14 articles in the journal VAK, 5 scopus.
Currently, Associate Professor E.N. At Krolevetskaya BelSU supervises several doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s students.
Associate Professor E.N. At the Department of “Pedagogy and General Psychology” Krolevetskaya conducted classes on general pedagogy on a 12-hour basis.
Atenovich Perlenbetov is the director of the Kaydar Academy of Kazakhstan. On June 16, 2011 he received the title of Candidate of Psychological Sciences and on December 30, 2013 he received the title of Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor.
Now M. A. Perlenbetov supervises several doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s students at the Hot Academy of Kazakhstan.
Professor M. A. Perlenbetov conducted classes on general psychology at the department of “Pedagogy and General Psychology” on a 12-hour basis.
Professor of Moscow State University (Russia) Kabardov Mukhamed Kanshobievich.
Professor MK Kabardov is known for his research and results in the field of psychology. Moscow State University, where he works, ranks 96th in the ranking of international universities.
Professor of Moscow State University (Russia) M.K. During the 2020-2021 academic year, Kabardov conducted a 12-hour online course on “General Psychology” for 3rd year undergraduate students in the field of “Russian language and literature.”
Professor of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov (Kazakhstan), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Joldasbekov Abdimanit Abdrazakovich
The Faculty of Mathematics conducted a 12-hour online course on “General Pedagogy” for 3rd year students of the Russian group in mathematics.
- Department members
№ | Name | |
1 | Sodikov Ulugbek Juraevich | sodiqov_7377@mail.ru |
2 | Khudaykulov Khol Jumaevich | xol.xudayqulov.51@mail.ru |
3 | Axrarova Zebuniso Bakhramovna | z.axrarova@nuu.uz |
4 | Tulyaganova Gulchexra Kuchkarovna | gulchexra.tulyaganova@mail.ru |
5 | Abdurahimov Qodir Abdukhalilovich | qaa0212@mail.ru |
6 | Mardieva Gulnoz Quchkarovna | gulnozmardiyeva@gmail.com |
7 | Usmanova Shoira Djumabekovna | shoirausmonova64 @mail.ru |
8 | Ruzimatov Erkinjon Yulchievich | rozimatov3955@gmail.com |
9 | Sadikova Shoira Odeljanovna | sodikovash71@gmail.com |
10 | Khudaynazarov Tursunali Alinazarovich | tursunali.q@mail.com |
11 | Sattarov Timur Sabirovich | p.sattarov1978@gmail.com |
12 | Sagatova Shoxsanam Farrukh qizi | sanam7227@mail.ru |
13 | Nigmatova Shoxsanam Nabi qizi | shnigmatova94@qmail.com |
14 | Tulishov Galib Ravshanovich | g.tulishov@nuu.uz |
15 | Juraeva Halima Alisherovna | xalimajuraeva614@gmail.com |
16 | Xabiev Temur Rafaelovich | 6465562@gmail.com |
At the Department of “Pedagogy and General Psychology” since 2013 there is a circle “Young Teacher”. The club has its own charter, annual curriculum and a list of club members. Currently, the club has 22 members, who regularly participate in universities and national newspapers, magazines, scientific collections with their scientific and social articles.
Publication of scientific articles of the members of the circle dedicated to the Constitution Day together with the work carried out with the members of the circle in the annual plan for the 2021-2022 academic year. Publication of articles dedicated to the birthdays of A.Navoi and Z.M.Babur. It consists of encouraging students to publish 10 articles throughout the year. In this way, students are directed to scientific and creative activities and are encouraged to engage in scientific activities.