Sodiqjonov Tursunboy – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Saturday, 14:00 – 17:00
+99871 227-15-24
Plan – The functions of the Finance Department are the followings:
- To ensure the execution of Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Resolutions, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, letters of instruction, modemograms and telephonograms, etc. and to monitore the implementation of university orders related to the activities of the lim;
- To make current and future work plans of the department and to ensure their implementation;
- To plan and organize the financial activities of the University;
- To ensure timely preparation of all financial estimates of the University;
- To ensure the structure of the University staffing table;
- To supervise, control and ensure the preparation of estimates of prospective and annual income and expenses for all types of financial activities;
- To ensure and monitore the proper use of labor and financial resources allocated for the operation of the University, as well as funds received from students studying on a fee-for-service basis;
- To participate in the preparation of documents for financial incentives for university staff;
- To monitor continuously the efficiency of economic contracts and special funds estimates;
- To monitor regularly the compliance of salaries of university staff with the approved class and tariff coefficients;
- To ensure the proper use of the budgeted funds for their intended purpose, avoiding unnecessary or excessive costs;
- In the preparation of cost and revenue estimates on the basis of a standard staffing schedule approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan formation of the staff of providers;
- Timely submission of financial estimates and quarterly reports related to the balance sheet to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;
- To participate in the application for employment, dismissal or transfer of employees;
- To determine the salaries of employees in accordance with the approved staffing schedule;
- To take appropriate measures in the development of the activities of the department;