Nasretdinova Shakhnoza Saidakmalovna – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-90-80
The Department of Econometrics and Economic Modeling prepares Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the direction of Econometrics.
According to the Appendix to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2016 No. 2527 “On measures to further improve the activities of the National University of Uzbekistan”, Shakhnoza Saidakmalovna was appointed head of the Department of Econometrics and Economic Modeling, who to this day sincerely fulfills this task.
Currently, the faculty of the department conducts lectures, operational and laboratory classes in a number of disciplines in all specialties of bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
№ | Subject name | Brief information about the subject |
1 | Статистика | formation of deep professional knowledge and necessary pedagogical skills in the field of methodology and practice of statistics |
2 | Microeconomics and macroeconomics | teaching the theoretical foundations of economic knowledge, basic concepts and categories of economics, economic laws and principles and developing the ability to apply them in practice |
3 | Management and Marketing | teaching theoretical foundations, basic concepts and categories, principles of knowledge in the field of management and marketing and developing the ability to apply them in practice |
4 | Fundamentals of Econometrics | Quantitative study of the causes and consequences of changes in economic processes or events based on an in-depth study of the basics of econometric analysis and econometric modeling. |
5 | Higher Mathematics | Study of mathematical knowledge used in modeling economic processes |
6 | Digital and information technologies | In-depth and comprehensive acquaintance of students with modern technical means, methods of using operating systems and tools, principles and methods of automation of computing processes, as well as opportunities and directions of digitalization in various sectors of the economy. |
7 | Investment Management | To provide knowledge about the mechanism of formation of the investment system, organizational, economic, regulatory, scientific and methodological foundations of investment assessment, the main directions, forms and methods of investment assessment. |
8 | Analysis of investment projects | The purpose of teaching the subject “Analysis of investment projects” is to teach students the theoretical and practical basics of designing, analyzing and selecting effective projects in practice. |
9 | Linear algebra | To develop the skills of analyzing economic problems by methods of linear algebra, analysis and substantiation of the results obtained. |
10 | Probability theory and mathematical statistics | To give a clear idea of classical statistical processes, to study methods for creating a mathematical model of these processes and finding solutions, mathematical analysis of solutions, processing numerical sampling of data from stochastic experiments and developing practical skills to create appropriate statistical conclusions. |
11 | Economic and mathematical models and methods | Implementation of stages and decision-making processes at enterprises based on various forms of ownership, analysis of their economic activities and effective use of economic and mathematical methods and models and modern information technologies in solving practical problems that may arise in this area. |
12 | Financial mathematics | To develop knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of analysis of international and domestic trade and investment projects, to know how to make scientifically sound financial decisions using quantitative methods, to master quantitative methods used in international financial and credit systems. |
13 | Time series analysis | Analyze changes in economic processes over time, model time series and check their adequacy, develop forecasting skills based on time series models. |
14 | Actuarial mathematics | The laws of political and territorial organization and development of society, the processes of formation and development of the political map of the world, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the geographical aspects of foreign economic relations. |
15 | Financial programming | formation of systematized knowledge and skills on macroeconomic theory, macroeconomic analysis and macroeconomic policy of the state |
16 | Technical analysis of the capital market | to study the basics of theory and practice of technical analysis of currency and securities markets |
17 | Risk management and insurance | To provide theoretical knowledge on risk management, to develop practical risk management skills and to form modern knowledge, skills and abilities. |
18 | Game Theory in Economics | A discipline that teaches theoretical knowledge and practical skills of managerial decision-making, the choice of optimal strategies and decisions, allowing to identify options for decision-making in management in modern conditions of organizational, economic and production systems. |
19 | Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting | To provide knowledge on theoretical and practical issues necessary for the analysis and forecasting of the country’s economy in a modern market economy. |
Full name of the researcher | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation work |
Mirzaev Bobur Soyibjonovich | Phd student 3rd year | Econometric modeling of the rapid development of the insurance market in Uzbekistan |
Djalilov Dostonbek Abduazizovich | Phd student 3rd year | |
Abdujalilova Go’zal Saydillayevna | Phd student 2rd year |
Name of the organization and institution | Information about branches |
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan | In each region there is an economic department, and in each district there is a branch. |
Extrabudgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Uzkimesanoat Joint Stock Company | Tashkent (Practice up to 2 people) |
Stock Market Focal Point | Management is in every area |
“Uzbekinvest Hayot” Insurance Company | Management is in every area |
Rural Construction Bank | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
ATB “Agrobank” | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Tashkent Republican Stock Exchange | Tashkent (Practice up to 15 students) |
Joint Stock Company “Alokabank” | Mirabad branch, Kokand branch, Andijan branch, Bukhara branch, Kashkadarya branch, Navoi branch, Namangan branch, Karakalpak branch, Samarkand branch, Surkhandarya branch, Khorezm, Ferghana branch, Jizzak branch |
AKB Microcreditbank | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Private joint-stock commercial bank “DAVR-BANK” | Tashkent, Tashkent region (Kibrai, Zangiotinsky, Bektemir districts) |
XALQ SUGURTA LLC Insurance Company | Tashkent City |
Joint-Stock and Commercial Halyk Bank Tashkent City Uchtepinsky Branch | Uchtepa district of Tashkent |
AQIB Ipoteka Bank Yakkasaray filial | Tashkent city Yakkasaray district |
Asaka Bank Joint Stock Company | Zarafshan of Navoi region |
Furniture factory “KENG MAKON” | Located in Tashkent and Tashkent region |
Full name of Professor-teachers | Academic degree, title |
Насретдинова Шахноза Саидакмаловна | Head of the Department |
Мадрахимов Рузимбой Машарипович | assistant professor |
Отаев Шоназар Қодирович | assistant professor |
Нурмухамедова Наргиза Сайдиллаевна | assistant professor |
Парпиев Зиёдулла Тухтасинович | assistant professor |
Джаббаров Рахимжон Абдуллаевич | Senior Lecturer |
Мирзаев Бобур Сойибжонович | Senior Lecturer |
Рузманов Шухрат Усмонович | Senior Lecturer |
Алимов Ойбек Наркулович | teacher |
Джалилов Достонбек Абдуазизович | teacher |
Файзуллаев Достон Махмуд ўғли | teacher |
The activity of the” young programmers “group under the Department” econometrics and economic modeling ” was organized by senior teacher Djabbarov Rakhimjon and teacher Alimov Oybek in October 2020. The activity carries out its activities in accordance with the decrees of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, current laws, normative documents of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education, orders and orders of the University’s leadership.
Students of the University are taught master classes on “digital and Information Technologies” on information technologies and their software.