Ramazanov Asror – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 99 811-07-90
e-mail: aramazonov@rmail.ru
The first scientific research in the field of optics and spectroscopy at the university was founded in the 50s of the XX century under the leadership of prof. V. K.Kizel and dots.B.M.Nosenko (since 1960, prof.V.A.Kizel worked at Moscow Physics and Technology Institute) the environment has been investigated by using the electromagnetic waves returns, absorption and fluorescence spectra.
Scientific work in the field of radiophysicsreceived the independent development since the organization of the Department of radiophysics in the 60s of the twentieth century. Under the guidance of the head of the Department I.A.Hoffmann and laureate of the State prize named after Abu RayhanBiruniH.H.Hajimuhamedov conducted research on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere and different environments and also to study the generation of laser radiation. With the development of quantum generators and receivers of radiation, the activity of the Department is increasingly focused in this direction and under the supervision of Professor MirzaevAgzamTurapovich (1943-2002) was raised to the level of the scientific school of quantum Radiophysics.
A.T.Mirzaev after the target residency and defense in 1973 PhD thesis at the Kiev state University (Ukraine), using the scientific support of leading foreign scholars began to develop research in the field of laser physics in our University. In 1987 he defended his doctoral thesis. Since 1980 and until the last days of his life, directing the Department of quantum Radiophysics, he all his strength was exerted to strengthen founded scientific school. While working as the head of the Department and the Dean of the physics faculty,he is mainly considered the creation of a group of like-minded people, sought an opportunity to keep graduates in the faculty, engaged in equipment of scientific and educational laboratories with modern equipment.
The achievements of the scientific school received wide recognition both in our country and abroad. Scientific foresight and organizational skills of A.T.Mirzaev has contributed to widespread scientific relations. The results of research and developed devices used in joint scientific projects with the RPA “Astrophysics” (Moscow), FIAN and IOFAN (Moscow), ILP SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Institute of Physics and of Atmospheric Optics (Tomsk), RPA “Plasma” (Ryazan). To discuss research results and develop plans for further action at the initiative and with the organization team of the scientific school of quantum Radiophysics in Tashkent was held the first international conference “Control of parameters of laser radiation” and the meeting-seminar “Problems of laser aerosoundingof the surface of the earth”.
Throughout its activities, subject of the scientific school of quantum Radiophysics is connected with the urgent problems of laser physics and coherent optics: development of stable gas lasers with desired properties, laser sounding of remote and micro-scale objects, laser measuring systems, optical radiation propagation in inhomogeneous and waveguide environments.
The use of lasers in various fields of science and technology imposes specialized requirements for their parameters. The study of physical processes in active media of gas lasers with RF and microwave discharges, as well as the development of new design gas lasers, engaged representative of the school of quantum physics Professor M.M.Mirinoyatov (1944-2009). His group with the participation of PhD.-MD Z.I.Imankulov and associate Professor A.I.Solovyov developed new variants of the transverse RF and microwave pumping of gas lasers, a compact, single-frequency (up to 4 watts) and dual CO2 lasers and single-frequency low-noise low-voltage power-Не-Nеlaser with TUHFD. Under the leadership ofM.M.Mirinoyatov executed research grants and economic agreements with many institutions of the Republic and abroad: “Development of single-frequency Не-Nеlaser with a transverse RF discharge”, “Investigation of the lasing characteristics of Ne-Xe laser”, “Development of single-frequency CO2 laser with TUHFD”, “Study of the effects of the magnetic field on the characteristics of the active medium Не-Nе laser”, “Development of a low-noise single-frequency stable He-Ne laser”. The results of the work were shared with ILF and ZhukovskyAviation Association. The development of solidstate and powerful lasers were conducted by E.O.Sagatov and M.Shorahimov.
The fundamental themes of the school of quantum physics is the study of the statistical properties of optical fields when receiving radiation from a variety of sources and propagation in inhomogeneous media. Under the leadership of A.T.Mirzaev was approved theme with FIAN named after Lebedev”The Application of the photon counting method for laser remote sounding”, responsible executor of which was R.R.Vildanov. In the process of work was created unique for that time a device for receiving and processing optical signals – photoncorrelator, the use of which and further work plans were discussed at the Department of wave processes of Moscow state University and in IOFAN named after Prokhorov. Continuing the direction of the school with the independence of the Republic, under the leadership of associate ProfessorR.R.Vildanov were performed the grants by the state scientific and technical programs on the theme: “Development and study of methods of higher correlations of photons to determine a spatial and time characteristics of radiation of the sensed objects”, “Development of a remote laser meter of strain displacement”, “Development of a laser photon-correlation spectrometer for diagnostics of scattering media”. Upon the results of investigations the member of the research group G.B.Eshonkulov prepared a thesis and written the book.
In the framework of the research of the school were conducted initial experiments on suchgrowing trend as “singular optics”, which showed the relevance and high level of research in the Department. Prof. S.S.Abdullaev and Assoc. T.Ahmedjanov performed experiments and developed a theory of the emergence of a spiral phase disorders – dislocations in the wavefront of a speckle pattern in the laser radiation propagated in inhomogeneous media, in particular, in optical fibers. As a result of the research the method to determine the distribution of refractive index in optical fiberswas developed. Continued research is conducted on the relevance of studying the dynamics of beams and chaos in channeling systems.
Development of the theme of registration of superweak radiation began with the job “Optimal systems for informationtransmission and receiving”, while was created multichannel photon counting with high time resolution. The statistics of photons while radiation propagation and information transmission through a turbulent atmosphere and optical fibers were studied by A.T.MirzaevsprogenyAs.T.Mirzaev, T.Ahmadjanov, A.Kasymov, M.Mamatkulov, I.Rasulov, in cooperation with the RPA “Astrophysics”.
Another important research direction approved as the main theme is the development of laser systems for registration of small displacements and deformations of remote objects. Such instruments have an accuracy of a hundredth of a micrometer over distances of several hundred meters at its widest bandwidth, and they indispensable in seismometry for the registration of harbingers of earthquakes and atmospheric measurements. To implement this task in the foothills of the Western Tien-Shan with the participation of D.A.Talipov, Sh.Zokirov and R.Shayahov was founded Radiophysical ground, where a few seasons were operated designed devices. The basis of the method – laser heterodyning, was developed in the works of DScA.N.Yakubov. He in cooperation with KSU (Kiev) performed the project “Study of phase properties of radiation based on the analysis of the correlation structure of the field”.
On the basis of scientific activity of quantum Radiophysics school 4 doctoral dissertations and 17 PhD theses were defended, obtained 10 national patents. In scientific cooperation with universities and academic institutions of the Republic and foreign centers the scientific-pedagogical personnel are being preparedin the modern curriculum of laser physics and radiophysics.Unfortunately, as a result of a serious illness the premature death of DSc. SokolovB.Yu.interrupted the successful scientific activity of this talented experimental physicist which possessed a broad scientific horizon and analytical mind.
In 2005 on the basis of the departments “Optics” and “Quantum radiophysics” was organized the department “Optics and Laser Physics”.From 2005 to 2012 prof. Sh. Otajonov, docent in 2012-2016. T. Akhmadjanov, 2016-2017 – prof.I.A. Rakhmatullaev worked as the head of the department.From May 2016, the department was renamed “Photonics”.From 2017 the department “Photonics” has been opened. Nowadays head of the department A. Kh . Ramazanov.
Head of the department: