Bakiev Zafar – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 9
Large-scale work is being carried out on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, creation of conditions suitable to the modern requirements of the younger generation for regular physical education and sports, strengthening confidence in their will, strength and opportunities in young people through sports competitions, perfection of courage and patriotism, feelings of loyalty to the motherland, as well as the systematic organization of.
Kafed the subjects to be taught
№ | Science name | Information about science |
1 | Theory and methodology of athletics | The aim of the course is to teach students the theory and methodology of athletics sports, the organization and management of training sessions in multi-year training, the system and procedure of qualifying stages of motor and style in athletics, the forms and methods of controlling athleteseksex, the application of innovative management technologies in training process in the training of highly qualified athletes. |
2 | Theory and methodology of gymnastics | The emergence of Gymnastics, gymnastics in ancient times, the creation of a new era of Gymnastics, the national gymnastics system, the development of gymnastics in the first half of the 20th century,To have theoretical knowledge about the development and specific features of gymnastics in Uzbekistan. |
3 | Swimming theory and methodology | It is a lesson to teach students the theory and methodology of swimming sports, the organization and management of training sessions in multi-year training, the system and layout of the qualifying stages of motor and swimming techniques, the forms and methods of controlling athleteseksex, the implementation of innovative technologies of management of training process in the training of highly qualified athletes.. |
4 | Physical education and the history of the Olympic movement | The main goals and objectives of the science of physical education and the history of the Olympic movement. Content and basic concepts of science. The main periods in the science of physical education and the history of the Olympic movement. Physical education and the sources of study of the science of the history of the Olympic movement. The role and educational importance of Science in physical education and Olympiad sport. |
5 | Sports pedagogy | As a future specialist in physical education and sports, it is necessary to arm students with the theoretical and methodological basis of modern pedagogical science, the content of pedagogical activity, ways of effective organization of educational and educational process, by introducing innovative educational technologies, to create in them the experience of pedagogical thinking, the ability to think positively, the necessary skills for successful. |
6 | Sports marketing | To teach students how to conduct and conduct sports marketing activities, to know marketing concepts and to learn their application in their field. It also consists of teaching the principles of marketing, competition in marketing, designing in marketing, application of marketing relations and advanced experience. |
7 | Physical education and sports management | Theoretical knowledge, practical skills, methodical approach to management processes, modern system of sport management, normative legal framework of physical education and sports regulation in Uzbekistan, special physical education and sports. Organization of sports enterprises, state registration and management, the essence of management decisions is to teach them the requirements and procedure for preparation of decision-legal documents, the role of the manager in sports institutions, duties and methods of working with employees. |
8 | Sports psychology | Psychological training of the athlete; tactical psychological training of the athlete; willpower training of the athlete; psychological observation of the personality of the athlete in the process of physical education and sports; formation of skills for conducting research work; training of the sports manager and the teacher of the science of physical education; sports trainer, trainer-teacher; psychological description of sports competitions. |
9 | Fundamentals of sports management | Students will be able to conduct and teach sports management activities, know the concepts of sports management and learn its application in their field. It also consists in teaching the principles of sports management, competition in marketing, design in sports management, application of marketing communications, as well as advanced experience. |
10 | Sports facilities | Qualification-the science of sports facilities the content of educational materials should have the skills to know according to the rules and methods of their preparation using various equipment, devices, preparation of an independent place for movements and exercises, proper consideration of the impact of sports facilities on the environment. |
11 | Sporti basics in children and adolescents | “The Science” Children and adolescents sporti basics ” is included in the block of General Science and is planned in accordance with the purpose of training in Higher courses. This science is based on new approaches to the sport of children and adolescents in physical education and sports and its educational and educational importance is important. |
12 | General pedagogy and sports pedagogy | The science of “Pedagogy of young periods” is included in the All-Russian block of Sciences, and it is desirable to teach in the 2nd course in the 4th semester. It belongs to the category of Science and social-humanitarian Sciences” pedagogy of young periods ” and it is taught in the direction of physical education and sports Bachelor’s degree in preschool and primary education. It can serve as a basis in teaching other subjects. The main task of this course is the formation of general pedagogical knowledge in students. |
13 | Funding of sporting events | The subject “financing of sports events” is included in the block of specialized disciplines, and it is also desirable to be taught during the semester in the curriculum. It can serve as a basis in teaching other subjects. |
14 | Additional subjects (management psychology) | Within the framework of the issues carried out in the process of mastering the educational science” psychology of management”, the evolution of management; theoretical and historical foundations of management science; theories and practices of foreign management; will have an idea and knowledge of the socio-psychological views of Eastern thinkers on managerial activities. |
15 | Additional Sciences (Physical Education and sports health tourism) | The purpose of the study of the science of” physical education and sports health tourism ” is to develop theoretical knowledge and give students the knowledge and skills about the role of physical education and sports health tourism in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population. |
16 | Organization and management of sports events | The management procedure of all educational institutions for the organization of sports events and competitions in students, issues of management of sports organizations, Organization of all kinds of events in the field of physical education and sports in Uzbekistan at a high level, as well as teaching the correct conduct of sports-competition activities of all institutions of physical education and sports. |
17 | Selection Sciences (personnel management and marketing) | The purpose of the study of the subject” Personnel Management and marketing ” is to develop theoretical knowledge and to formulate a methodical approach to the determination and solution of problems of effective use of labor resources and personnel management tasks that determine the development of the state economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of world experience and public policy. |
18 | Selection Sciences (Scientific Research in the field of sports) | The success of the research work depends in many ways on how the researcher enters the work on the chosen topic, in what order the material is collected, how it is put into the system, analyzed and, finally, how the results of the work performed are presented. |
19 | General psychology and sports psychology | Sports psychology as a practical field of Psychological Science. Development of sports psychology. Subject and object of sports psychology. Goals and objectives of sports psychology. The current state and prospects of the science of sports psychology. Modern sports psychology and its priorities. Actual problems of training sports psychologists for the field of physical education and sports. |
About researchers and scientific work
№ | The researcher is responsible for the study of the professor-teacher F.I.Sh you know what? | Academic degree, title | The theme of the dissertation work |
1 | Ravshanov G‘olib Xamrokulovich | Teacher | Improvement of movement training of 16-18-year-old ospirs through basic gymnastic means |
2 | Abdullaev Ilxom Xushnudovich | Teacher | Distinction of assessment of the course of physical training of academic littsey students on Physical Education |
3 | Murodov Kamoliddin Nuritdinovich | Teacher | Technology of development of strength endurance of wrestlers on the basis of the use of special simulators and exercises in freestyle wrestling |
4 | Karimova Nargiza Xudoyberganovna | Teacher | Technology of improving the health and physical training of women through swimming lessons |
5 | Davidov Bobur Baxodir | Trainee teacher | Technology of improving the management and directing system of mass sports events in Uzbekistan |
L.N.Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov (NIU) and the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, starting from November 1, 2021, the head of the Department of “psychology”, associate Professoretetalina Aliya Saktaganovna has been conducting lectures on “management psychology” at the Faculty of “Taekwondo and sports activities” of the National University of Uzbekistan on “Sport Management”. In this course, students of Uzbekistan show themselves on the curious and active side. Within the framework of this agreement, in December 2021, the Department of “sports management” of Uzmu, Associate Professor Bakiyev Zafar Abdushukurovich passed the course of lectures for students of Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov on the subject of “Psychology of Management”.
№ | I. F.Sh | |
1 | Axmatov Maxmud | мailto:mahmud.ahmatov@mail.ru +998951946024 |
2 | Karimov Ulugbek Raximov | ulugbek.karimov0505@gmail.com +998981006544 |
3 | Bakiev Zafar Abdushukurovich | zafar.bakiev@gmail.com +998998371223 |
4 | Ravshanov Golib Xamrokulovich | g.ravshanov@nuu.uz +998973221557 |
5 | Arzibaev Qodirjon Odiljonovich | armwrestling@mail.ru +998994354959 |
6 | Abdullaev Ilxom Xushnoudovich | abdullaevilhom45@gmail.com +998970100501 |
7 | Murodov Kamoliddin Nuritdinovich | mkаmoliddin@gmаil.com +998909971199 |
8 | Karimova Nargiza Xudoyberganovna | nаrgizа.kаrimovа87@mаil.ru +99890 010 25 37 |
9 | Muxsinov Shoxjaxon Uygun o‘g‘li | shmukhsinov@gmаil.com +998977168505 |
10 | Davidov Bobur Baxodir o‘g‘li | mistrbab92@gmail.com +998936066313 |
11 | Sobirov Ulug‘bek | rayyonfirdavs7@gmail.com +998998781893 |
12 | Kimsanboev Javoxir | +998993652217 |