Department of general and oil and gas chemistry
Mirxamitova Dilorom Xudayberdiyevna-Head of the department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
The Department of General and Petrochemical Chemistry was established in 2019 on the basis of the Department of General Chemistry (the Department of General Chemistry was established in 1981 on the initiative of the Honored Worker of Public Education of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor T.S.Sirliboev).
In 1981-2008. the department was headed by prof. Sirliboev T.S.,
2009-2019 prof. Nurmanov S.
2019-present Doctor of Chemical Sciences Mirkhamitova D.Kh.
The scientific direction of the department is "Study of the catalytic synthesis of new organic compounds based on local raw materials - oil, natural gas and their products, their properties and fields of application."
Since 1991, 7 doctors of sciences and 17 candidates of sciences have been trained in this specialty from among the staff of the department and other joint organizations. Currently, 16 researchers are working on doctoral dissertations. According to the results of research work, more than 650 scientific works, 6 monographs, 2 textbooks and 24 study guides have been published, 8 patents have been received.
In 1999, the department opened a magistracy in the specialty "Chemistry of Oil and Natural Gas", according to which 8-10 master's theses are successfully defended each academic year.
Over the years, the department has implemented a number of fundamental, innovative, practical and youth grants. Currently (2021) 3 state grants are being implemented.
1. Practical project. Project manager Ph.D. Mirkhamitova D.Kh. AM-FZ-201907165 "Development of technology for the synthesis of cyclohexane based on ethylene" (2020-2022).
2. Practical project. Project manager - Doctor of Economics, prof. Nurmonov S.E. AM-FZ-2019081449 "Development of technology for the production of a new type of cation exchanger based on industrial secondary raw materials" (2020-2022).
3. An innovative project. Project manager Associate Professor B.K.Davronov FZ-2019081426 "Obtaining detergents based on circulating alkaline solution at OJSC" Navoiazot " (2020-2022).
Professors and teachers of the department teach students of the Faculty of Chemistry in the courses of oil and gas chemistry, catalytic chemistry, students of the Department of General Chemistry and Chemistry.
According to the memorandum signed between the boarding school for young biologists and chemists named after Abu Ali ibn Sino under the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the university, various events and master classes are being held.
In order to further develop foreign cooperation at the department, the laureate of the prize of the Russian Federation, professor of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after V.I. I. Gubkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences Dengaev Alexey Viktorovich and Professor Rybalchenko Vladimir Sergeevich about cooperation in the educational process. Conducted training courses for students in the specialties of ecology and petrochemistry. Scientific relations of the department with the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan - PKFI, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Microbiology, UzSFITI named after Sultanov and higher educational institutions (TKTI, SamSU, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Jizzakh Institute of Chemical Technology, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region, Namangan Machine-Building Institute, Karshi State University, Nukus State University, Navoi Mining Institute). Relations with scientists from the CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan) and Turkey are developing. Work has been carried out to introduce research results into the educational process and production. New vinyl compounds based on petroleum and natural gas have been synthesized and areas of their application have been determined. New catalysts have been developed for these processes from local raw materials. Their physical and chemical properties and application have been studied. Cooperation with Navoi Chemical Plant, Jizzakh Plastics Plant, Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, Fergana Oil Refinery on the application of research results in production.